View Full Version : Chest distress

01-04-09, 05:19
Hey again,

I'm still fighting with HA, still the pain in my chest. I've gone to the nurses office for the 3rd time this semester, and have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. I sometimes have a tight feeling in my upper left chest, sometimes I have a tickling feeling on the inside of my left chest, and sometimes I have a pain in random area's on my chest.

It's affecting my sleep, I'm constantly tired, but not physically fatigued or anything, just always feel like I should have gotten an hour or 2 more of sleep. Also when I eat, I have not lost my appetite or anything, but I just feel weird.

I constantly am looking for a sign that my condition is getting better or worse, but I seem to be in a constant limbo, and I'm looking for some confirmation, as irrational as it may seem, that I'm just not going to croak in my sleep or something!

Also I've started to get minor headaches, my headaches like my body aches, are nothing of shocking pain but just dull annoying pain.

01-04-09, 08:16
I have been battling HA since December and its no walk in the park. Mine all started with a traumatic birth of my daughter. After a few weeks i started getting chest pains, mostly on the left side which made me think i was gonna have a heart attack. The more i thought about it the worse these pains got, then i would really panic. I went to see my doc who examined me and told me i was fine it was anxiety which is why my body aches all over and chest pains are noticable, because we tense our muscles when anxious. I also get headaches but this is also tension. i also make the mistake of checking myself to see if i am in pain etc. For aches and pains i take co-codamol tabs which help.
Get yourself checked over for peace of mind and then just chill, read a book, get absorbed in something else, you will let realise you have not thought about it for a while. Good luck

01-04-09, 14:05
Sorry to hear your having these pains.

I wanted to post as I've been experiencing these two for the last 3 months.

My pains are random, mostly in the top left hand side of my chest, sometimes down the side of each rib cage and also the right of my chest. Once these started, then came the panic! I became tired, had dizzy spells and lost my appetite. I have had an ecg and a full blood count taken and nothing has shown up. I am currently taking anti inflammatory's to see if its muscular but these have had no effect. My pains have turned by panic into attacks now and I'm waking up in the night with my heart racing, sweaty and a dry mouth.

The pains started before the panic so I'm wondering if theres something there or if it is stress or anxiety.

The problem is the pain feels so real and I've convinced myself its my heart or lungs.

Fingers crossed something works out for you!:)