View Full Version : Am I going Crazy???

01-04-09, 08:44
Not Doing so Good.....No sleep and constant worry

Ok...so Im due my visit today from HR and my racing heart and chest pain is back, worse than ever, even suffered in Night with the Pins n Needles in arms and legs again!!!

The thing is Im worrying about such silly things, my daughter was asleep in my bed last night and I kept panicing thinking she was dead (she is 4 years old) everytime I could not hear her breathing I would feel her and because she felt cold to touch I would shake her to make sure she was still alive....but while all this is going on my hubby is sleeping in my daughters room....so because I cant hear him snoring I have to check on him, AND then to make things worse I lie their listening and then become parinoid some one is breaking in the house....so I have to then get up and check all the doors......this process of checking doors and daughter and husband must have been repeated at least 3 times, I just lie in bed listening constantly!!

Please can some confirm Im not going totally crazy and this is a least slightly normal??


01-04-09, 10:24
Im sure its the HR visit that is playing horrible tricks on your mind,also sounds like me when im really bad i have some ocd .im sure once you sort out your work problems you will feel better. YOU are normal, its just that you have a lot on your mind and in your present state its making things even worse. Im sure everything will be ok at work its up to them to help you especially if the job is making your condition worse

01-04-09, 10:45
Good luck lotte_82...

sending u my love xx