View Full Version : Advice Need On Starting Citalopram

01-04-09, 10:01
Hi All,

I am new here and would like some advice please.

I have currently been taking Mirtazipine but it doesn't seem to be working so my GP has prescribed Citalopram which I am dreading taking due to what I have read in the way of side-effects. Anyway what I would like to know is how much of a gap do you have to leave before starting the new med. My GP told me 3 days, but the leaflet says 2 weeks. Does anyone know how long it should be please? I feel really nervous about taking it as it is. Thank you.


01-04-09, 13:15
Oh I wouldn't worry so much about the side-effects. It really is an individual thing. Some people get them, some don't. So I wouldn't worry too much about the 'what ifs' and just take one thing at a time.

There's a chance you won't get any side-effects at all, in fact I think a lot more people don't get as many side-effects on Citalopram as other SSRIs. I think that's one of the good things about it and why it's prescribed.

In comparison to Mirtzapine, there's no comparison really. A lot of people get more side-effects on Mirtzapine than Citalopram from what I've read. So, when you consider that I wouldn't worry so much.

01-04-09, 13:25
i had no side effects when I started taking it.

Do not let the fear of these stop you from taking it

01-04-09, 19:35
I Switched from mirtazapine to citalopram and had to wait two weeks inbetween.The cit worked for me and started on 10mg gradually built up to 40 mg,Dont worry about side effects ,they do pass and its worth it in the long run,All the best Sue

01-04-09, 20:24
Hi Sue,

Thanks for the advice. Can I just ask you about the Mirtazapine as you say you've taken it. Would you say that it made you feel worse? It's just that I have been taking it for about 20 months and in the beginning it made me feel ok, very sleepy but that's worn off now. It's just that I have felt terrible on it for the past few months and the only reason I stayed on it is because of poor sleep but obviously it just does not work on me anymore. I just feel that it is working against me if you can understand what I mean. I just have not felt well taking it, but in the beginning it seemed to work.

I don't have a very helpful GP so cannot seem to get much information from her and feel very uncomfortable talking to her. All I really understand now is that I suffer from awful anxiety and the Mirtazapine is not helping at all so I just hope that this Citalopram can help.

Anyway, would be grateful for any advice.

Thanks alot.


01-04-09, 21:07
I was only on this for a short time and it made me suicidal,i have never felt in such a dark place in all my life,i was perscribed it because i couldnt sleep ,and had lost nearly a stone in weight ,due to depression and anx/panic attacks. Hope this helps sue x

01-04-09, 22:09
Thanks for the info - I just somehow knew it wasn't all my imagination. Hope your alot better now. Bru

02-04-09, 00:01
I'm on citalopram, I had side effects, but I survived :)

It wasn't nice though. You will be tested my child. Hopefully you won't be found wanting :D

02-04-09, 09:51
Thanks for that, after what you've said I'm in two minds whether to take it.