View Full Version : Had a walk today

08-08-05, 04:00
The tightness in lung seems to have eased on and off during last couple of days although I've woken up with it now(it's 3.30am)but I think it's cos I was sleeping badly as my husbands snoring was disturbing me! So I've got up to read some of the forum things and I'm burning some lavender which is all helping.
I managed to get out with a friend today and have a walk for half an hour.It initially felt really scary, I thought the "lung" would come back and it was always at the back of my mind. I felt a bit wobbly and the surroundings felt surreal.But all this thankfully adds up to more of an acute anxiety state as opposed to a chronic lung condition doesn't it?.
Although on saying that not sure which is the lesser of two evils.
The amazing thing was that after my walk, I had a totally relaxed afternoon/evening,and I could see for the first time that I could recover from this.
Then wham,wake with a start ,can't breath, weird feeling going on in lung AGAIN and back to square 1 .

a cheetham

08-08-05, 05:30
hi Annie -
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. It does sound like panic. I get that out of it - kind of blurry (surreal) feeling too. You are not alone in this. Read through the symptoms forum and you will see virtually all of the feelings you are having someone else here has had at one time or another. If you can't sleep try to do something to take your mind off of it. I don't know if it will help you but when I feel that way I get in a hot bath and soak. I know it sounds simple but for me it really helps relax me. Then I can go to sleep easier. Hope you feel better soon. I'll be around if you want to talk.
Sandy (eeyorelover)