View Full Version : On my way to hospital

01-04-09, 12:01
I just KNOW they are gonna keep me in and find something bad.

:( I feel sick to my stomach.

I'm so scared they find out I have cancer or something..honest to God.

I dunno what to do.


please pray for me


01-04-09, 12:31
Even if they found something they would not keep you in

I bet you get there and everything is fine though

Good luck!

01-04-09, 12:34
What are you going to do, get your test results? I'm off for my ultrasound in a mo, fingers crossed for both of us.

01-04-09, 13:19
What are you going to do, get your test results? I'm off for my ultrasound in a mo, fingers crossed for both of us.

You'll be fine and they won't find anything drastic.:flowers:

01-04-09, 13:54
Me too Love,

Keeping everything crossed for you.

Pegs X

01-04-09, 15:29
Thinking of you both.. I know how stressful it is for us.. Sure you will be fine, let us know!! XXX

01-04-09, 15:33
Hi, just wanted to say I feel your pain -

for a year now I've been worried because the right side of my abdomen sticks out compared to the left, I've written numerous posts in the subject... and I can even feel a longish hard lump in the right side, which is not there on the left, or sometimes it's there but it's much smaller.

I'm sure they won't find anything, I have visited two GPs (twice each) and a gastroenterologist (also twice) and no one can feel the lump apart from me, but I can feel it easily and it's visible and a large part of my day is often spent looking at myself in the mirror and comparing the two sides.

I had an abdominal ultrasound which didn't convince me even though it was clear, same with a pelvic ultrasound, same with a blood test, same after I paid for an expensive stool test that is supposed to show 80% of bowel cancers and it came back negative.

I still keep reading bowel cancer sites and keep crying over the stupid lump. I have booked a private colonoscopy for July, I'm hopeless. But pleeeease don't go down this road and treat your anxiety instead!!!!

01-04-09, 17:56
Hi all for the wonderful replies.

I feel hopeless.

I went and the doctor felt about my tumy,said it was soft which meant he didn't think there was an obstruction or anything.. asked me about my diet etc,I told him and told him all the laxaitves and stuff I have been on and most recent Movicol but it's not been working..

I've been given 3 boxes of 30 sachets of Movicol and to take upto 8 daily. annd lactulose solution.

And a really awfl nurse came in..she was an older women which usually comforts me more I dunno why.,.and she said"this will be uncomfortable" and she laughed and I was like"what?" Then she said "I hope you live near by cos you'' need soon" and I actually snapped and said"well I have to get a taxi and sorry for my language but I don't want to s**t my pants on the way home"

So she said she would "see" if I could sit in the waiting room whilst I let this suppositry worked.

I feel at a loss.

the two things I have been given ISN'T HELPING.

not one doctor has even f**king xryed my stomach or anything.

No tests,no scans..just all these laxaitvs which ARENT WORKING.



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01-04-09, 18:05
They do sound very mean. Fancy the nurse saying that to you. I suppose se thought she was being funny!?
I don't understand why they don't just refer you for a scan or something to put your mind at rest. It has been going on a while. I am sure there is nothing wrong though. Have you seen a specialist yet? Was it a specialist at the hospital today or A& E.
I would demand to be referred to a specialist - and say this has been going on too long and you want some tests doing.
When I had my bowel pains etc a few years ago, I had to put up with them for about 8 weeks, before they would refer me to someone and I got some tests done.

01-04-09, 18:14
It was A + E

I'm so upset. I feel so full and I havent ate.

The taxi drivr that brought me home said it sounded like coeliacs cos his mum had the exact same things going on with her.

I'm fed up being so full and bloated and sick. and no one for weeks has offered a scan or a test.

just all these laxatives..surely that in itself is not helathy?

I'm scared I'm doing more damage with all of these.If the hopsital arent doing anything and my gp.

Who do I turn to?

I feel so alone. so sick and alone :@(

01-04-09, 18:23
Hello Wee-Mee.

I am so sorry your trip to the hospital didn't put your mind at rest. sometimes hospital staff can seem very uncaring.

Doctors can tell quite a lot by examination, so I am sure they are certain you do not have an obstruction, but from your point of view I know it would have been better if you could have had a scan, just to put your mind at rest.

Bowels are so much influenced by anxiety, so I am sure this has a large part to play with your condition together will all the laxatives you have been given to try and alleviate the problem. I know you have been making an effort to improve your diet, this will help tremendously. My mother was recently given some movical - sorry not sure how you spell it - and she ended up going to the loo in dribs and drabs - it didn't really suit her at all. Do you think it is worth trying to do without it for a few days, and see how your bowels respond, especially if you can sort out a good eating plan with plenty of fluid, and fruit and veg. As mentioned before the flax seed can be extremely effective in a very gentle way. My heart goes out to you, because I can see how you have been suffering. I know how difficult it is not to worry, but please try not to. I read a post earlier, which sounded so good, i think it was to you from Trixie. She suggested you train the bowel to respond at a regular time. Try to relax each morning and just sit on the loo, without straining and see if you can develop a regular bowel pattern. I do hope things will improve soon for you. Meantime, you know we are all here to help support. :hugs:

01-04-09, 18:38
You must ask your GP for a referral to a bowel specialist - I don't think they do tests in A and E unless it is what they class as an emergency.

I had a sigmoidoscopy and also a Bowel Xray with a barium anaema.

I am sure there is nothing bad wrong, and it is IBS which is being aggravated and worsened by your anxiety and panic... If the Gp referred you for these tests then your mind would be put at rest (as they would come back ok!) and then you would be less stressed and your IBS would settle.... well that's what happened to me anyway.

I had an allergy test at a local health food shop too and that helped me a lot , I was allergic to mushrooms and bananas! - When I stopped eating them it was a marked improvement.

I had a blood test for coeliacs disease. All my cousins are coeliacs and there is quite a strong familial link I think, but mine was negative. They did that in the hospital when I had my sigmoidoscopy.

I paid to see a specialist sooner, my GP even recommended this as the wait on the NHS was 6 months. I think waiting lists have reduced since then as it was a while back.


01-04-09, 18:58
First up! Take a deep breath and go do something you truly enjoy - after a trip to the hospital, especially an unpleasant one, you deserve to treat yourself.
Second, please try to take the fact that they haven't done any of the tests/scans as a good sign! Doctors (especially these days) usually err on the side of caution, so if they had ANY reason to believe it was something serious, they would have ordered follow-up testing.
However, I think that at this point, you need to have some of those tests for your peace of mind, just as I did a few months ago. No general reassurance is going to be enough. I would suggest making an appointment as soon as possible with your GP. From your past posts, it sounds like she was reluctant to order additional tests, as she was concerned it would just feed your anxiety. I think you need to go to her, be very clear about how terrible you feel, and say that you will not be able to live your life without some follow-up on this problem, even if it is almost certainly benign. If you can, write up a list of your symptoms - but try to keep it as factual as possible. Bring two copies, give one to her, and go down the list together. If you are worried she will just blow you off, bring someone with you (friend, relative) who can advocate for you and make it clear that this is having a terrible effect on your emotional and physical health.
In the meantime, there are some things you might want to try at home. To be honest, this sounds like a case of your system being out of whack from eating problems in the past and recent antibiotics. Both of these things can have profound (but generally not dangerous) effects on your digestive system. First up, either follow the directions from the hospital on the laxatives or consider trying something more natural, like flax or psyllium. Try to eat yogurt, kefir, or other cultured products to introduce more good bacteria into your system, and consider buying a good probiotic. The idea of trying to train your bowels to a schedule is fantastic. Every morning pick a time to sit for five minutes or so (bring a magazine if you like!) and just see if you can go - but DO NOT get worried if you don't. Other than that, good food, rest, time doing things you like, etc. are always good ideas, as is exercise (though I realize the idea is less than appealing when you don't feel well).

01-04-09, 19:13
You are all so wonderfull. I'm actually crying just now.

I just feel no one is listening. I wish all of you were doctor's :)

I am getting quite bad shooting pains through my tum now.

I hope it settles. I'm getting a sore back with it also. I might see when my mum is next off work and go with her to the Gp.

Cos I really feel like I'm going to burst.

I keep going to the toilet to pee and I'm passing wind and little pieces of watery pulp flies out. My bum wont open fully and when I came home and passed with the suppositry,it was sore and again,the same weird watery pulp but it felt like there was big stuff waiting to push out.

I'm quite sore. I don't know what to do.

Thanks you guys for being so nice.


01-04-09, 19:29
I am not surprised you are feeling sore, especially since you are passing little bits of watery pulp quite often. Put some sudocrem on your bum it will soothe it, at least it might help you feel more comfortable. xx

01-04-09, 19:51
It was A + E

I'm so upset. I feel so full and I havent ate.

The taxi driver that brought me home said it sounded like coeliacs cos his mum had the exact same things going on with her.

I'm fed up being so full and bloated and sick. and no one for weeks has offered a scan or a test.

just all these laxatives..surely that in itself is not healthy?

I'm scared I'm doing more damage with all of these.If the hospital aren't doing anything and my gp.

Who do I turn to?

I feel so alone. so sick and alone :@(

How many times a week do you have your bowels open?

01-04-09, 19:56
Hey im sorry to hear you have had a Bad time, just thought id share my experiences of mean doctors etc. Went back to my doctors today, complained about my pains again along with back pains etc, and how I got that phantom referel then at the end. . No word of a lie he said "good. Il leave a message with the other doctor for your referel" GOOD? what the hell . . i actually walked home sobbing. sorry to not be of ouch use in terms of advice just wanted to let you know that your not on your own with the feeling alone and helpless thing *hugs* x x x x

01-04-09, 21:14
Trixie I'm not having urges to pooh as it is,it's like when I go to pee,a pass wind and then I sorta lose water and brown pulp.

I'm crying just now still trying to talk to my mum.

I'm so fed up. so fed.

Cos I mention my diet isn't the best doesn't mean it's the be all end all of my problems.

I would have thought being this bloated and sick and not properly having bowel movements would have meant some sort of tests.

I don't WANT them but if it means I can get better then ofcourse.

I'm quite upset.

My mum mentioned "when is you app with your psychologist?" And I sniped, " Yes cos it's all in my head ins't it"

I feel I'm even taking up too much spcae and time on this board with my problems honestly.

I dunno what to do I really don't.

xxxxx Amy xxxxx

01-04-09, 21:25
Do you eat a normal diet?

01-04-09, 21:28

Give us an idea of what you have eaten today and what you generally eat?

01-04-09, 22:18
I have been down and been eating crap to be honest last 2 days.

before that though I was eating salmon and fruits and veg, yogurt and garlic for a yeast infection but still no poops.

I just flipped at my mum and dad and stormed out crying. And went for a walk.

Sat a t abus stop crying.

I'm 22 and I'm acting a like a child.

A very bloated,sick,full o pain child. :(

01-04-09, 22:22
Ok be honest with yourself here - do you think you are not eating the right foods and that is contributing to it or do you think you eat enough fruit and veg to do normal bowel movements?

If the answer is that you think you eat right then you can either insist the doc does something or see a dietician to help you.

I see one for my Crohns but used to see her for bloatedness

Hope it eases soon

01-04-09, 22:32
My eating habits are awful I admit. But even through all of it I have still managed some sort of pooh.

I'm scared I have really damaged myself :(

I'm scared I have some sort of cancer,IBS or celiacs or something and I'm not getting tests done.

I'm just very unhappy. My dad is saying he will go to gp with me tomorrow but I am dreading it.

At the moment I am having alot of wind,passing it and some of it is painful.

I did it about ten minutes ago and I thought a little bit of the watery stuff had leaked onto my pants.


01-04-09, 22:39
It does sound like IBS to me - have you read the IBS page on the left as well?

Does that sound like you ?

Let's see what the doc says anyway.

01-04-09, 22:45
It does sound like IBS to me - have you read the IBS page on the left as well?

Does that sound like you ?

Let's see what the doc says anyway.
It does sound like IBS to me - have you read the IBS page on the left as well?

Does that sound like you ?

Let's see what the doc says anyway.

Alot of it does. I remember being stressed when I had a bad patch with my partner and every little thing I put in my mouth came out my other end in alot of diarroeah.

Then it seems after that and round about the pelvic infection all of this happened.

You have been very nice thanks. :)

I'm gurgling and farting away right now. And I'm just so unsure as to wether 8 sachests of movicol daily and 20 ml of lactulose every twelve hours is doing more harm than good.


01-04-09, 22:48
It sounds to me like they have palmed you off with Movicol and now you are suffering side effects of that too.

I agree that it would not be good for you - not that it will harm you but it is obviously not working so there has to be something else they can do.

Let's see what doc says but I agree something has to be done to give you relief.

01-04-09, 23:03
You sound like my very elderly mother in law - she gets bouts of not going tot he loo and then she will get days where all she passes is lots of brown water but nothing solid and she can feel something big needs to move. This is called constipation diarrhea as there is a partial obstruction of solid poo and only the water can get past and the body is trying to get rid of the solid poo with lots of water. She has had all the bowel tests and does not have anything wrong with her bowels at all its just a functional problem and she fin that lots of movicol and lactulose does work for her but it takes a coupe of days.

You can get a caeliac test to do at home online for about £20 which would put your mind at rest. HOpe you get some support off your GP - just beg for the tests if necessary

02-04-09, 13:21
Oh I think I will get that countrygirl thanks :)And that's exactly what it feels like!! The EXACT same thing. And NMP yes I feel like there just giving me movicol to get rid of me really :( Again today,All that's coming out is weird brown waternwith a little bit of pulp... I don't want to be minging but it actually just comes out in farts and it looks like seeds.. *shakes head*

Well I went to doctor with my dad and my dad said that himself and my mum were wanting me to get tests done as nothing is working and it was the guy doctor this time at the GP. And we was very nice to me,he sat and listened and he could see I was getting anxsious and fidgety and he gave me some water.

He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed by anyone with IBS or anything else and had I had bowel problems before which is when I told him about my faecal impaction last year and when I got an enema and movicol.

He felt about my tumy and the middle felt kind of pressurised and round the lower parts were sore but he said there were no masses or anything and he got the nurse in with him and he did a rectal exam and he said that was clear also.

I feel a crazy. I feel like I actually have to be toilet trained again or something.

He said that he thinks it's dietry and stress and that movicol is one of the better types of things for constipation problems but I should eat alot of fruits and things(just after munching a pear :) ) and try and relax and let nature take it's course..that it will resolve itself.

He did do some bloodtests though,of thyroid,sugar,liver,kidneys,and another two,some sort of abbreviation letters,I didn't make it out.

I told him I had been having the pelvic problems and that I was waiting to see a gynocologist about that so..

I'm back home,with no poohs but I guess I'm really gonna have to suck it up and get on with it :(

Thanks all of you petals for listening to me whine and moan.

I think I would be in the mental hospital(without the word of a lie) had I not found this place


02-04-09, 13:33
Hi Sweetie,
Have you thought about getting a colonic irrigation done? I had a couple when my IBS was bad and it's a good way to get your bowels working properly again - there are no where as bad as an enema and it was quite pleasant actually. Just a thought! X

02-04-09, 13:57
I dunno where you would get one :/ Is it hospital or what?

I'm a bit daft hehe


02-04-09, 15:43
You can look for one on yell.com, they're not part of the nhs (It's alternative therapy) and you do have to pay, but I think they're worth it!

02-04-09, 17:59
He did do some bloodtests though,of thyroid,sugar,liver,kidneys,and another two,some sort of abbreviation letters,I didn't make it out.

Probably LFT and FBC

Glad all is ok and please now try and sort the diet and let nature take its course as they say :)

02-04-09, 23:04
It is horrible when you get treated like s..t by medical staff if there was an obstruction or a need for an x ray they probably would have sorted this for you . You need to ask for an outpatients appointment. Or phone nhs direct today to get some immediate advice about the laxatives

03-04-09, 14:44
Wee-Mee, I am sorry you are so distressed, but please don't worry about the laxatives ..they will do you no harm. It is very probable that the Suppository has by now started the process and that Lactolose will help to regulate it. If not can you manage to go back and tell the Dr how distressed this is making you and ask for a referral? Sometimes Drs just don't understand how traumatic things are for certain patients. Take care XXX