View Full Version : eye trouble

01-04-09, 12:13
i have had health anxiety for a while my symptoms at the moment are blurred vision headaches/pressure neck aches dizzines feeling unreal the list could go on my fear is brain tumor i have been to drs and opticians ok going to drs today again.

01-04-09, 12:46
Hi there
I had all those symptoms, headaches, neckache, dizziness, funny vision - blurred and flashing lights and it was nothing! I had CT scans, and paid for a private MRI as I was CONVINCED I had a brain tumour, but there was nothing there. Please do not worry, I am sure you will be ok.

01-04-09, 12:47
There can be alot of problems like you describe if you have headache.

You also writes that you have bad neck ache, its probably due to tension.
The eys have alot of connection with the neck and the muscles there so i think you can count out any brain tumor.

I have alot of problems with this problems and have been checked up many times, my problems are connected with my neck.

I guess your problems comes and goes, during the day or during a couple of days.


01-04-09, 12:54
thanks for replys my blurred vison is there most of time or feels like it cause i am aware of it the rest do come and go, because the eyes are my main symptom i think i am focusing on it to much need to relax.

03-04-09, 15:00

i'm almost crying with relief, oh my god, i am normal!!!

:hugs:i too have convinced myself i have a brain tumour, but i haven't

i have the same symptoms, even numbness to my right eye. i've been to the opticians twice, the GP and there is NOTHING wrong, i get the numbness on my eye and on the back of my right hand when i am stressed and anxious. i'm now trying to treat these symptoms as stress indicators and use them to sit and look at what is stressing me and try and make it go away