View Full Version : Blood Test Worries

Marc EH
01-04-09, 14:38
I've been feeling dizzy/Headaches/blurred vision/sore thoat for about a month so I've been to the doctors and they have taken some bloods. I have had bloods before and as like before they told me to ring for the results so that's what I did today and they said that they are back and I need to come in to see the doctor - now I'm worried that is wasn't anxiety all along and I am ill? :unsure:

01-04-09, 14:42
I get frightened too when they do that, but it's normally because I have had an infection somewhere and they need to give me some antibiotics. If you're really stressing why don't you call and speak to your doctor? It might put your mind at rest and save unnecessary worry.

01-04-09, 15:27
Could be so many minor things...anaemia, infection, vitamin/mineral deficiency all easily amended by treatment. Please try not to worry too much,and try to see Dr or speak to him as soon as possible...JUST TO PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE.

Marc EH
01-04-09, 21:36
Thanks for your kind words. I'm seeing my GP tomorrow afternoon so will find out then if anything is wrong. I just want to feel better as feeling dizzy etc is really getting me down. :weep: