View Full Version : Hit on head making me anxious

01-04-09, 15:01
Hello all

Yesterday evening i accidentaly hit my head with my boyfriend's (hope you understand what i mean).I hitted my head on the left side almost on the top of the head. I felt strong pain at that moment but nothing else. I slept all night although i kept waking my self up every few hours to check how i am. Today i have a slight headacke and something like numbness and tingling on the spot where i got hit and around it (left side of my head). I dont feel dizzy or have any other strange symptom. The more i think of it the more stressed i am becoming and i am starting to have an uneasy stomach which of course is one of the symptoms of serious head damage. Don't know how to calm myself and stop thinking about it. I am at work right now and i cant even concetrate. My mind is always thinking that i have damaged my head really seriously.Trying to stay calm is difficult right now.

Thank you all for reading :)

01-04-09, 20:44

come on, you know it was only a little knock on the head and you are absolutely fine. I expect the numbness and tingling are more to do with you thinking about the bump and imagining that there should be pain! Your uneasy stomach is probably also a symptom of your worrying!!!

Try and do some relaxation exercises, have a look on the web if you don't have any to hand, and that may help you to relax and stop thinking about it!

02-04-09, 00:05
Hi Shadowshil, sounds like you've probably bruised yourself.

You aren't showing symptoms of a concussion or anything like that. Your skull can take quite a knock without any damage, you really have to get a good whack to be in trouble, and the fact that you were able to carry on normally and slept relatively well suggests there is nothing wrong with you. :)

02-04-09, 08:58
Hello again :)

Thank you for the replies. I am still feeling quite stressed and worried but i am trying to persuade myself that it has been almost 2 days and if anything was going to be wrong it should have by now. Still have headaches probably because i didn't sleep ok last night since i was so worried.

Thanks again :)

03-04-09, 00:31
You would definitely have known by now if it was serious. Honestly, forget about it, you're fine :D