View Full Version : Is this the menapause?

01-04-09, 15:38
Im a couple of weeks of 42. I had a blood test taken for the menapause but came back negative. I did my own test. Also negative. I have hot sweats.
I also have thyroid problems but this is controled with thyroxine.
I had my TFT's checked and evrything was ok.
Now my periods are every 2 and half to 3 weeks. I have the Implanon implant so shouldn't be seeing much at all, as this acts like the mini pill.
Do you think this is the menapause but maybe its to early for the tests to pick up on.?

Thanks Cheryl xx

01-04-09, 15:49
Hi Cheryl,

My doctor told me that hormones fluctuate daily so it is difficult to tell exactly when you are in full blown menopause by a blood test. It is easier by your symptoms. I started perimenopause at 35 but I also had hypo- thyroidism so don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. My worst symptoms were the night sweats. Also, like you state you could never know when you were going to have a cycle or not. I was never able to take hormonal treatments due to getting migraines so I just winged it. Not fun but managed it. I would say if this continues another few months I would go back in and state your symptoms again. Other than putting you on hormones there really isn't much they can do as far as I know. You just have to go through it. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


01-04-09, 15:52
Thanks Laura. I think the worst of it is the not knowing. xx

01-04-09, 16:02
I know what you mean. I never quite understood the titles either. Peri, meno, and then post. None of it quite made sense except you were mostly confused and sometimes quite miserable. I do know that you have to go an entire year without a cycle to be considered post menopausal. I went 11 months and then had a period and had to start all over again!!! Now, that made me have a hot flash:roflmao: ! Honestly, try and get a good gynocologist and keep the communication open and you will hopefully get the answers you need to help you feel better.

:hugs: ,


01-04-09, 16:03
I had menopause early 41 ish. With hindsight my periods changed a lot prior to stopping altogether . Much heavier then I'd miss a couple etc . Kept thinking iwas pregnant. Hot flushes (due to low oestrogen) terrible but I had anxiety so thought it was that! Eventually told dr. They test for FSH and mine was sky high plus id not had period over 1 year-indicating I was actually post menopausal!! tried HRT - awful.hope you feel better soon. Men don't know how lucky they are!?!:shrug: