View Full Version : Dreading going on holiday tomorrow :(

08-08-05, 11:15
I am on a half day at work today and tomorrow morning I am going to Monaco with my boyfriend until Friday. He is going out there for work and will have to leave me for most of the day on Wednesday and Thursday which I am dreading. I am anxious about going anyway but it wouldn't be so bad if i was going to be with him the whole time.
I hate being left on my own :( it will be worse as I am in a strange place. Yesterday I was left at home for 2 hours and I started getting panicy so now I am thinking what am I going to be like on my own in Monaco.
Everyone at work is so jealous that I am going as we are staying in a fab posh hotel and I get to go free as it is through boyfriend's work. Outside I am excited but inside I feel really ill :(
Other thing, I have to get in a helicopter as we are flying to Nice and then getting the helicopter to Monaco. For someone who doesn't like flying this will be a massive challenge, really not sure what I have let myself in for :(

Can anyone offer me any advise or support?

I am at work at the mo, trying to keep busy to keep my mind off things. Will have some lunch at 12ish and then head home to pack, this is when I think it will really sink in. Thought I would come on here in the hope that someone can make me feel a little more positive!

Many thanks


08-08-05, 11:28
Hi Twinkle
Don't know if it helps, but there are lots of entries with positve thoughts from Tulip123, Hoilday Blues, under the Panick Attack bit.
I do hope you enjoy you enjoy your holiday

08-08-05, 11:48
Hi Twinkle,

I just survived Florida crowds and all! Even with my health anxieties and P/A at the end of the hols. You can do it hun.

I took relaxation tapes, Rescue Remedy, puzzle books, emergency diazepam Claire weekes essential help etc just having the essentials of my anxiety tool box eased the anticipatory anxiety which is often the worst thing.

I do hope you have a lovely time,

Let us know how you get on.

Good luck,

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

08-08-05, 14:23
Hi Twinkle, Iam sorry you are feeling a little stressed right now, i was exactly the same last year before i went away, I can assure you will be fine, the average person gets a little jittery/excited about their holls. once you are there, settle yourself in, make it your home from home, take all your back-ups with you, whilst on your own, read, watch the world go by, sit on balcony, listen to your music, all the home comfort things, you will have a lovely time, and upon your return when you post you will make so many of us very jealous...take care and most of all have a lovely holiday!!!!

08-08-05, 14:54
Hi Twinkle

Lots of challenges- think its going to be one of those grit your teeth and JFDI with the helicoptor- its only going to be a few minutes to do Nice - Monaco and hopefully the scenery will be so lovely you can get absorbed in that.

With being alone - I hated that too but as Nigel said there is usually un underying issue. One of mine was I liked being with anyone for distraction reasons and because dizziness was awful and wanyted to know someone would keep an eye out of I should have collapsed - I never did but at hotels by myself I kept close to the lobby/spa - they don't like fainted people littering their sofas so I knew in that event ever happening, I would be picked up and dusted down fairly quickly.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-08-05, 16:45
Hope you have a great time Twinkle!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-08-05, 23:24
Enjoy the hols twinkle



09-08-05, 01:14
Hi Twinkle I too am going on holiday tomorrow and although i dont want to do a long post I cannot say I am excited, I am excited about the sun etc but so scared of everything else,. I go every year too, but the difference this year is I do not have to go it alone, I can come on here and say, what I have had to be silent about other years, thus the chest pain is less.the anxiety is less and everything else.This site is so wonderful and Im so glad Im not alone, although I feel for other sufferers so I am thinking of you, I really hope you enjoy your holiday,once there I think yopu will be OK, take care twinkle Love Alexis,xx

09-08-05, 09:39
Twinkle and Alexis,

Any time you're feeling wobbly - remember we will be with you in spirit willing you on and texts work too..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?