View Full Version : Am I too young for this??

01-04-09, 15:40
Hi I am a newbie here so I hope i make sense.
About six months ago I had a random panic attack for no apparent reason when out eating a meal with work colleagues. I went to the doctors and was given betablockers as a short term thing and it was suggested it was down to having given up smoking a couple of days previous.
However the feeling of nervousnous and panic was still there after a couple of weeks so i went back to the docs and he prescribed me with Citalopram 10mg. At the time I was thinking I'm a 23year old lad why is this happening am I too young for this? I didnt take the meds for a while trying to beat it myself but eventually I felt so bad I thought why not try it theres no other options. I took them for a couple of days but was frightened of the side effects, how can I go to work and get into a selling conversation with customers when i feel like this??
I kept off for a couple of months and then my anxiety did ease off. But the last couple of months has just been feeling ok for a couple of weeks then having a few more days of panic. I just want to be panic free again. I also feel so tired I don't want to get out of bed and everything seems so bright outside, but whats even more strange is its never as bad at night, in fact sometimes it completey goes. My partner doesent understand it. I have a young child and want to enjoy her growing up not panicking all the time. We go on holiday every year but this year im dreading going in case im away and I start panicking there will no one around to help as partner would have to look after my child.. Please Help!! Should I start taking citalopram now for a longer period? Please Help!!! I'm at my wits end!

21-09-09, 18:24
I don't have much in terms of proper help, but it might be re-assuring to know i'm a 19 year old lad and I've been diagnosed with Anxiety just this morning. My mum had it, her mum had it and now apparently I do. My mum got it at 17 so apparently there's no age limit. I'll be getting councilling in a few weeks, so hold on mate and i'll tell you how it goes. I didn't want any tablets as at my age I don't want to become dependable on anti-depressents and such things. Just keep yourself occupied, spend time with loved ones and if councilling sounds more appealing then try that. Though it doesn't go completely away when you're out and about or with people, you'll find it is a lot more ignorable and manageable than when you're sat on your own thinking things over too much.

21-09-09, 18:38
hi - 23 was when anxiety hit me. i remember things feeling really bright outside too and i was almost normal at night - this is because your body produces natural stress hormones that die down towards the end of the day too. if i had known now what i know about anxiety i would not have gone on anti depressants - ask for more beta blockers - they def take the edge of and you should be able to cope much better on them but you will need to take about 140mg a day in divided doses.

the thing with anxiety is that it can be managed with acceptance - i go through bad patches even when on antidepressants but if i accept i feel anxious and just try to do my usual things - each day it fades a little. its the fear of fear that keeps it going.

try not to worry about going away - every worry thought only increases your adrenalin and we get anxiety because we have too much adrenalin in our bodies. try getting a hold of the books by claire weekes - they should have copies in your library - they explain it all brilliantly x

21-09-09, 18:39
ps - i think its 120mg a day not 140mg but your doctor will be able to advise x

21-09-09, 18:56

Anxiety can strike us at any age. If you're feeling bad again you should go back to your doctor and have a chat. Maybe a different medication could be tried this time. I know what you mean when you said you had to go to work whilst feeling like that whilst on the medication. I felt like that when I tried anti-depressants recently and decided not to take them because they made me feel so awful at work. Previously I had a different type and had no side affects. So have a chat with your doctor. Don't worry about the holiday - more often than not we feel better on holiday because you are in different surroundings and you feel better. You can get over this, sometime you just get stuck in a wee spiral of anxiety. Yes, as the day draws to a close you can feel better - I think also sometimes in the morning you wonder what the day ahead will bring!! Anyway, congratulations on stopping smoking! That's a big achievement. You'll feel better in time. You'll get lots of kind and helpful advice on this forum that'll make you feel better and know that you are definitely not alone!:)