View Full Version : Morning struggle to rise

01-04-09, 15:52
Has anyone found a way to suppress the horrible, stomach churning anxiety which arrives on waking each morning? I have been a bit better and free from panic attacks for a few months. I take an antidepressant at night, and despite this don't sleep very well. I am widowed and live alone and in the mornings I just don't want to get up. My stomach churns and I feel that I can't get out of bed...I have a little dog so I know that I have to rise to see to him, otherwise I fear that I would lie under the covers all day. Don't want to increase the meds as I take a few other things as well .. Any suggestions or execises would be gratefully received!:unsure:

01-04-09, 19:48
I'm sorry that you are suffering in this way. These are classic symptoms of depression. You might need your meds increasing but only a doctor will be able to say if this is necessary. Years ago I had Dr Claire Weekes ' Goodnight Good Morning' on a cassette. This had positive thoughts on how to start the day and also how to wind down at night. Perhaps it is sold in the NMP shop? I also had a book of positive thoughts. This was a Christian book but it had a text and then a short thought for the day. I'm sure something like that is still available. It is also best to rise when you wake up rather than lie there ruminating (but not at 3am!) and to listen to some upbeat music to get yourself going (I still prefer radio three but each to his own) I hope this early morning depression and panic begins to lift for you.

02-04-09, 17:36
Thanks for replying, Elizabeth Jane. These are really helpful points. I do admit that once I manage to get up and put the radio on, I feel much better.
I will have a look around the NMP shop and see what they have...at the moment taking a NMP Ted to bed, honestly, what are we like!! Thanks again. XX

Granny Primark
02-04-09, 19:03
Im exactly the same.
I wake up but really dont want open my eyes.
However when the sun is shining I feel loads better.

04-04-09, 21:26
Hey, I am the same, I dont want to get up only have to to look after my little boy. I am going to up my dose of citalopram to 30mg as the 20 is not enough for me x

06-04-09, 14:34
Hi, me too, mornings are so much worse for me....find it gets slightly better as the day goes on. I also have a son to get up for, hes 13, so during term time then i have to get up! but its times when hes not here, and im on my own that i find it especially hard....and when youre feeling low it is so much harder to do anything.

10-04-09, 19:01
I can completely relate to your posts...I wake every morning with this feeling and its very hard to shake :weep: