View Full Version : Stronger

01-04-09, 16:10
Hi all,

Has the fight against stress, panic, anxiety and/or depression brought out a side of you that you never knew, but are proud of? Has anyone actually managed to learn something from their suffering?

I thought we could all list the POSITIVE changes that we have gone through while we battle our demons.

* I've become more mature as a person, with less swagger and bravado, but more consideration and patience. I am more polite and respectful in general.

* I don't get involved in arguments, I am far less irritable and/or mardy and I don't snap at people when I'm tired or irritated.

* My relationship with my dad has improved to the point where I consider him my best friend.

* I can wake up at a moment's notice and get up ready to face the day. No more spending two hours coming round.

* I have noticed that I have become hardened to "ordinary" illnesses and problems. Catching colds and having headaches used to bother me but these days I don't care at all and barely even bother thinking about it if I'm ill. It doesn't even slow me down.

* I've become a much better driver (slower and more tolerant) and I get better fuel economy cos I now drive so gently. Journeys are a million times less stressful. My parents don't bitch about my driving every five seconds, so I really must be improving.

Has anyone else actually found themselves turning into a BETTER person?

02-04-09, 11:34
Hey poet


02-04-09, 11:39
That's great, PsychoPoet, I love that you can find a positive in what you've been going through! :hugs:

It's kind of hard for me to say how it's changed me as I have been this way for as long as I can remember, really. I was diagnosed at 14, but I think it had been going on for ages before that. Hard to know what is anxiety/depression and what is the real me!

02-04-09, 11:45
sorry hit the wrong button and replied without finishing DUH

As i was saying, great idea for a thread!!!!

Positivity the way forward.

I suppose looking inward I can say the following.

Like you i seem hardned to minor illness's, in my family everyone seems to be constantly ill one at a time I hardly ever catch what they've got.. a house with 8 people in it and im the only one who's not had the flu yet this year : )

I am far less judgemental about others than i used to be. When I meet someone who's giving off an a**hole vibe i try to look past the bravado and see if behind it there is just simply a person who needs a friend.

I'm not there yet with the patience and tolerance but the good thing is I'm aware that I have very low levels of both and am working on that.

I have learnt that most of the time when i get angry or upset its
A) not as bad as I am making it out
B) usually more to do with me being inpatient or having too high an expectation of something and not going with the flow.
C) if i try not to react but instead respond in a positive manner the situation can be calmed and fixed with greater ease and less pain

I have learned that I should listen more.

I try to make the most of what I have.

I am not a selfish person. I give freely what I have to give without expectations.

I have learnt the journey isn't half the fun its all of the fun if you choose it to be...

Again poet great idea.

I hope others will follow suit and that we may all conquor the things we are trying to change!

Love to all


02-04-09, 16:10
What a really good thread,

Ok the things that i have noticed changes in me that have come from my illness,

1) I am much more patient, to patient at times lol, which is the other extrmeme for me as i use to be terribly impatient. But wouldnt change it for anything, its so more calming.

2) I feel i have matured a lot more, more wiser.

3) In some situations im far more stronger and realise i can actualy do a lot of things i feared.

4) Im far far more confident that i use to be, i can hold conversations in a crowd, as i used to avoid any situation like that.

5) My sense of humour is much better, i do see the funny side of things in a lot of things that happen.

I know for me, these things have all improved since id been ill with anxiety, i think all the things you read and learn and go through can only but make you a much more stable person.

Because i know i was a very unconfident, nervous , painfully shy, bad tempered angry person before.

Looking really forward to reading the rest of the posts on here.

Take care everyone

02-04-09, 16:34
I've become stronger, but probably in a wrong way.

1) I am more angry and cynical
2) I'm looking forward to any confrontation, because it gives me huge adrenaline surge, just like in a panic attack
3) I started to think that I am better than everyone else, because no one can possibly relate to or understand what I'm going through

That's immature, but that's reality. I can't say my constant panic is making me any stronger. I feel weak, tired, depressed and ill. All I'm thinking about is death and I am expecting it any moment now, because everytime I have a panic attack I think I'm dying. There's NOTHING that makes me stronger in any way.

02-04-09, 16:51
I'm having a rubbishy time at the mo so its hard to find positives but I know there are some. Somebody replied on a post I did earlier saying I shouldn't be so hard on myself so I thought maybe finding some positives from my experiences might help.

I think I have become more understanding and tolerant of things I haven't been through. Not that I wasn't before, its just I realise now that you can never fully understand what someone is going through whatever it is and so I am more open minded and willing to help and assist others if that makes sense.

I am more appreciative of simpler things in life like nature, walks etc and less bothered by money or posessions etc.

My outlook on life has changed, I used to want a busy high flying career and things like that and now I want a simple job I just enjoy above all else. I also want to do things that benefit others more then myself like volunteering when I can.

I'm more open and honest about myself tho I do still have trouble expressing myself with my family!

I don't know what else really but i do know anxiety has given my some positives even tho I really wish it would disappear!

02-04-09, 19:33
Hi all, I'm glad that people are able to look inside themselves for their best qualities. The point of this thread is to try to find something about yourself to be proud of. I want people to look at what they like about themselves, to find any scrap of solace that they can. "Any island in an ocean" :D

I'm not trying to make light of anxiety or depression, I know as well as anyone how bad they can make you feel, but we need to remember that there is still something good to come even when we can't see it.

02-04-09, 20:10
Great post poet
Ok ive become more patient now ,more understanding of ppl and there suffering,my sister suffered depression 20 years and i never really understood her mind her ways her thinking at all until i suffered anxiety and depression myself anxiety the main one
i like myself more than i used to
i prefer to look for good qualities in ppl now rather then focus on negative ones as its pointless and time consuming and a waste energy

i appreciate family and friends a lot more
i appreciate small things in life now
i tend to try and not look further than i need to now
and live day by day as it works for me

ive learned a hell of a lot about myself through all of this and continue to
daily and also i try and not let setbacks consume me now and think what the heck tommorrow will be better or next week will be better
Am i a better person through all of this ?definately
would i have choose to go through it all to be this better person
that i cant answer

03-04-09, 09:05
Hey Poet,

Hurray for more No More Panic Victories!

Hmm, my positives...

1). I have learnt to trust people more, and as such I now have some of the best friends I have ever had, along with re-making old friends I had lost :D

2). I have learnt to stop myself when I realise I am not coping and speak out.

3). I am more gentle with myself; I have stopped reprimanding myself for the things I do wrong and instead I congratulate myself for my achievements, no matter how small.

4). I have learnt that I do not have to try to be 'perfect' all the time; we are humans, we must be 'real' instead, and sometimes that means saying what we think whether or not we think it is what others want to hear, because sometimes things need saying.

5). I have met some lovely supportive and fantastic people on this website!!!

There. Wow that feels good doesn't it? Yay for me and yay for all you guys!

Take care!

Danny xxx

03-04-09, 21:10
Hurray for more No More Panic Victories!That's becoming our quote :D

Overcoming anxiety is an exercise in character building... but as Finny says, I certainly would not go through all this again if given the choice, I'd rather stay naive and slightly immature :D

03-04-09, 21:22
I just love this thread !!