View Full Version : No one is listening!

01-04-09, 18:03
I have BEEN on lactulose,senna,senna gentle, movicol and nothing has been helping my bowels.

I was at doc feeling hopeful that they would get to the bottom..

I've just been given an more movicol and lactulose.

It's not working and I just feel rather desperate.




APARrantly not. just a tummy rub and a suppsirty which just gave me water.

sorry for the typing.I rather upset
please help. why am i getting the same stuff all the time. i told them it wasnt workign

01-04-09, 18:11
I think you need to start getting 'cross' with them. I know it is easier said than done, but you have tried a lot of remedies as they have prescribed and if there is still no change then they need to do something else. Could you take someone else with you to an appointment, your boyf or a friend, sometimes it helps to have someone else there on your side and then it is easier to be assertive.
I too find it hard to be assertive with docs, it is like there is such a big power difference between them and us, unless you get a good doctor who is empowering and you feel comfortable with. I get annoyed when they talk to me as if I am thick and gloss over things I ask.
I really feel for you and what you are going through, you sound so sad in your posts and I know that feeling, when all your thoughts centre around your symptoms....
How many docs have you seen now? Could you try a different one at your practice?

01-04-09, 19:04
FLH,I have had seen my Gp numerous times,I have seen about 4 different docs maybe with numerous nurses.

Right now I actually feel like I have quite bad heartburn.

I just feel so low.

I dunno what to do. I don't know wether to go back to my GP but she will prob side with the hospital as she will have all my notes and stuff. I feel like everyone thinks I'ma clown.

I'm not. I am very much unwell and I just want some tests to make sure.

You can't be fine with the amount of laxaitves I have had in the past few weeks and still no proper bowel movements.

I'm in pain just now


01-04-09, 19:36
Hi! :)
I would go back to the doctor or even change doctor and tell them nothing so far is working and you would like it to get sorted. Get stroppy with them if you have to, in order for them to sit up and pay attention. I find it always works :noangel:
When the doctor tells you what she is prescribing and you have had that before and it didnt work then tell her.
I do feel for you - it must be very uncomfortable and I can understand you being really down with this. I would be.
I guess you have, but have you tried staying on a high fibre diet for a few days - plenty of All Bran, Orange Juice, try everything high fibre you can lay your hands on in the supermarket. Prunes are supposed to be very good for constipation. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit too. Maybe you have tried all this? Does nothing help at all? I am surprised you have not been referred for an enema yet - a friend of mine had to have one due to her constant constipation when it became intolerable.
Please try the gp again and tell her, you are not prepared to keep putting up with this situation and tell her it is really getting you down.
I hope things get sorted for you - it must be awful.

01-04-09, 21:22

I'm thinking about going down tomorrow.

My mum is off work on Friday and I was going to go down on Friday with her but I don't know.

I don't know who to turn to.

I've tried high fiber but it makes me feel sooo full and uncomfortable.

I just feel all this pressure and I am so swollen.

I'm just not that assertive.And then I'm scaredf with anxiety that I AM,the docs will deliberately be worse with me and like do horrible things.


01-04-09, 22:28
I flipped at my mum and dad and stormed out the house crying.

I went wandering outside and ended up just sitting at a bus stop crying.

I'm acting like a child:(

I just want help