View Full Version : Follow up appointment with consultant....

01-04-09, 20:48
Hi All

Just a quicky to fill you in. Had my appointment today.

The biopsy came back with no result as they were unable to gather any cells. They will not repeat this due to the last lung collapse, and the position of the lump.
The GREAT news is that although the lung lump is 'warm' on the PET scan, there is no other hot spots at all...meaning that whatever this is, is confined to this one spot.
As the ct scan came back with a 'suspicious abnormality', they have suggested that this be removed surgically, asap, which would be a curative treatment should it be cancer. It could just be some old scar tissue. No way to tell until it's been removed.

I feel like a block of flats has been lifted off my shoulders, and want to get this sorted out asap. The Thorasic Surgeon will be back next week, but I'll have to go to Southampton to see him.

I think I'll have a good sleep tonight.........


Love Pegs

01-04-09, 21:00
Oh pegs that is great news!!! Bummer about the biopsy (all that trauma for nothing!), but at least now you know: whatever it is needs to come out but - even if it's cancer - that will be that. If the lump is cancerous what a bl**dy MIRACLE they found it at this extremely early stage - You obviously have angels - or suchlike- looking over you! Ooooh you must be feeling so relieved....... I'm so happy for you.

01-04-09, 21:01
Hello Peggy,

I am so pleased you are at last further forward with this worrying situation, and that you will be able to have the lump removed as soon as possible. Great news to hear that it is only confined to one area, this must be greatly reassuring.

I expect you will have a good night's sleep - you must be feeling totally drained. I am sure you will let us know how you get on, and i wish you all the best.

Laura xx
01-04-09, 21:01
Hi Peggy,

I am so glad the news wasn't as bad as you thought it could be - and also that you don't have to have another traumatic lung biopsy - I was thinking of you today.

I don't go for my CT scan results till 2 weeks time and the waiting is horrible! My checks are on my liver and pancreas due to inflammation and raised enzymes etc.

Hopefully you will get a good nights sleep tonight x

Sammy J
01-04-09, 21:04
Have been following your posts,

SO glad it went better then expected and that you feel so relieved :)

01-04-09, 21:05
Ahhhhh Pegs what a great weight off you mind:) i:) 'm so please it's not what you thought it was.


Trish xx

01-04-09, 21:06
Glad to hear that things are ok and that they are going to be able to sort it.
I hope you can relax a little now.
Take care xxx

01-04-09, 21:49
Thank you all so very, very much.

You cannot imagine the relief, even though it's not over yet.

I DO believe in Guardian Angels, Jojo.....

Love Pegs XXX

06-04-09, 01:10
i've been out of town for a week but thought of you and this was the first thing i checked when i got back - my prayers are with you! whatever it is - wishing you a fast and painless recovery. you have the personality required to pull through and i think it sounds like it's going to be all good. lots of love!!!!!!

06-04-09, 08:48
Hi Justbananas

Thanks so much!

I have since heard from the hospital, and I see the Surgeon on 28th and my Consultant again on 29th. I'm sure if he needs to see me sooner I'll hear from them. I just want to get this sorted out asap...although I don't exactly relish the thought of having a piece of my lung cut out.
The main thing is, it'll sort it out whatever it is.

Another plus is, that I havn't taken any meds since seeing the Doc on Wednesday!

I still cannot keep away from this site though....you have all kept me going. Thanks so much.

Take care....

Love Pegs xx

06-04-09, 12:38
Aw I am so happy that things are gonna get sorted out.


It's the worst having to just wait.

I will be thinking of you hun and I'm sure all will go fine :)

Amy xxxxxxxxx