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View Full Version : Pain under ribs - wind? Or something else?

01-04-09, 22:20
I have had a pain under my ribs since I overdid it last Friday when i was run down. Basically, I swam 60 lengths whilst feeling exhausted, then felt sick and dizzy and totally wiped out for the rest of the day. On Saturday afternoon, I developed what seemed to be a nasty indigestion pain in the middle of my solar plexis and over to the right under my ribs. This went by Sunday morning but was back Sunday evening and has been with me ever since.
It feels like a burning, knawing pain, mostly on the right side but often on the left too and my back aches. I have lots of wind too. I saw the doctor on Monday who told me that I have exhausted myself and gave me a prescription for Ritatidine which has done little to releive it. I have tried various other antacid or wind tablets to no avail. When I burp, it hurts. My upper abdomen feels like it has tight bubbles in it. It is so uncomfortable and I am worried it might be something horrible like an ulcer or even spleen pain due to leukemia or something!
I am going on holiday on Saturday and I was so looking forward to it. Now I feel like it is ruined before I've even gone.
Please help me

01-04-09, 22:43
Sounds to me like you overdid the swimming! Maybe you have strained some muscles which can be very painful.

Where did you get leukemia, spleen and ulcer from ????

Your mind is working overtime.

Think about it - you swam 60 lengths and the pain started -hmmm there seems to be a correlation there don't you agree?

Take some pain killers and enjoy the holiday

01-04-09, 23:03
Hey iv been getting pains around here too, and I think its unrelated to exercise in my case. I dunno what it is but all I can say is focusing on the pain just makes it worse and worse, so go on holiday have an ace time and get your mind off it :)

02-04-09, 14:28
I was panicking so I went back to the doctors today and feel a lot better.

She reassured me that it wasn't anything sinister. She asked me what I was thinking it was and I said cancer, leukemia etc and she said that I didn't have any other symptoms of these. She has arranged for me to have some routine blood tests when I return from my holiday, purely, she said, to put my mind at rest and not because she was expecting to find anything. She said the only possible thing it could be was gallstones which are common but she said the pain would be almost exclusively on the left side.

I am glad I went. I still feel tired but the pain isn't so bad as I am not focusiing on it now.

Alexy, how long have you had your pain? Mine has been for about 5 days.

02-04-09, 17:04
Jo hun i have gallstones and my pain is most deffo on the right that i also feel in my back.

It's a horrid pain...i see the consultant next Thursday about getting my gallbladder whipped out!

Hope the pain eases for you and ENJOY your holiday:)

Trish x

02-04-09, 17:14
Hi Trish

Sorry, I meant the doctor said that the pain was almost exclusively on the right like you said!! I always get my left and right wrong!! :blush:

My pain is right across under my ribs but mostly on the left. The doctor said this is my stomach and the top corner of the intestines which very commonly get acid and trapped wind problems.

Hope you are feeling better really soon. x