View Full Version : such a low point right now...

02-04-09, 00:45
I am not even sure why I am writting this. I just feel I need to share this with someone, and everyone around me, including my doctors are sick of hearing it. I have been sick now for almost 5 months. It started with strep throat, then it was a sinus infection, and 5 courses of antibiotics later, I am still sick. I would feel better on the antibiotics (aside from the horrible side effects) but then as soon as they were over my symptoms would come back. (pressure and pain in face and ears, dizzy, tired, sore, totally out of it) I am becomming very depressed and feel that I am not sure how much longer I can take this. I am mother to 3, I am working now part-time since our finances are so bad. Every single day is a battle for me. I feel horrible--I am tired of fighting. I am just so sick of being sick. My kids deserve a real mother... I deserve a real life...My husband tries to help, but I can tell that he is just sick of me. I am 27 yet I feel like I am 90. Arent these supposed to be the best years of my life?

02-04-09, 08:47
Hang in there! IT WILL GET BETTER :)

02-04-09, 14:38
Aw I am very sorry you are feeling so low..I always feel like I don't know what comes first,the anxiety and then going not well or having som,ething wrong and theng etting anxiety and making it worse.

Strep throat is a bad thing to have sweety and it can take AGES to proper clear.

I know what you mean when you feel that even doctors are getting sick of you..I feel like this too.

And yes,it's not nice I know. Do you not have a councellor or anyone you could speak to about your worries and things?

I wish I could help more,you seem so down. And I understand how you feel.


02-04-09, 17:22
Sorry you are feeling so ill and depressed at present. You have had a debilitating illness and it is taking it's time to clear up unfortunately. However, you will get better and have your life back..it sounds a good one with husband and children. Have you told your Doctor how you feel.. they sometimes don't realise how badly a long drawn out infection can affect people. Try to stay strong and positive, I know it's not so easy, but people here understand and will be thinking of you.

05-04-09, 03:41
Thank you everyone so much for your replies. Sometimes it really just helps to know you arnt alone...