View Full Version : Try to talk to someone .... not !!!

02-04-09, 04:55
Sorry for this thread but god almighty though. Again tonight i tried to talk to someone about what life not being able to leave the house. I now know that, even the closest of ppl to you. dont give a crap about how you feel and would rather talk about themselves all of the time. Unfortunately for me I was talking to my husband. Who else have i got. Where else can i turn for help. OMG. God i feel so pathetic. How much more can these ppl take of me. I have become so needy. Its absolutely s**te. Never thought i would get to this point. Kill me now. Nobody gets it. Everybody hates me. Time to die. Madness i know.

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02-04-09, 07:28
Sorry you feeling so low right now... but you are not in any way pathetic!
I think your absolutely right a lot of people these days are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they just cant see when someone is suffering, let alone want to listen.
Your husband is being so selfish, he should be ashamed of himself not trying to help you. He would expect you to listen if he needed to talk, so its not too much for you to expect to be able to do the same, a little understanding goes a long way when your feeling down.
Might be a good idea if you had a word with your gp and explained how your feeling at the moment. I know its not for everyone but have you considered a counsellor? I know when i was agoraphobic the counsellor i had was my life saver i dont know what id have done without them to talk too, i had no one to turn to either back then.
I really hope things get better for you very soon.
Please feel free to pm me anytime if it will help.
Take care

02-04-09, 10:01
:hugs: mad4it, i have been where you are now, like others on nmp - its the depression that makes you think everyone hates you - they dont!!!! like you said they are too wrapped up in themselves to have the time to think about you and if they hated you!?

it is awful isnt it to feel this way? so confused and unhappy - what has cause this for you? are you getting any medical help? like you i cannot talk to anyone in my family - they really dont get it or at times seem to care - infact if anything they need me to be strong for them:lac: :wacko: please keep talking? take care,emma:hugs:

02-04-09, 10:13
I have found for me the only place that I can be myself and talk honestly and freely is here...NMP :) , this Forum has been a god send for me.

I also feel like nobody likes me anymore, and even the smallest of things make me feel down, like posting on forum's and no one replying. I feel my friends have got on with their lives and have left me alone to die somewhere quietly.

And worstly....... I, like you, have trouble with my husband understanding or listening...and my Family are no help either.

So all I can say really is keep posting on here....at least we can sort of understand what you are going through.


06-04-09, 14:40
I can relate to that totally!! I have tried many times to try and explain to people, friends and family what it is like to not be able to do certain things and how it makes you feel but people are just not listening!! its not my imagination, they really arent!!! I think its the way society has gone these days, i find it so frustrating as i will go out of my way to help others, but sadly it is not returned. x