View Full Version : Please tell me this discharge is normal *WOMAN*

02-04-09, 10:55
after recent media events about Jade Goody i have been obsessing over cervical cancer i am 21 & have my first smear in 4 weeks which i have had to pay for as my doc refused 3 times. I have a weird discharge and im now worried its a symptom :weep: Its either clear or yellowy it doesnt smell bad just smells like normal discharge ( TMI SORRY) but i am obssesing over it as it isnt white like 'normal' people. I have googled and it always says yellow is bad but i had yellow through out the whole of my pregnancy and had swabs & a full sti check and it was all fine. SO now my head is pointing towards cervical cancer & im really scared. I did post briefly about this before but i am praying that people tell me they have it. By yellow i dont mean the colour of the smily:) its yellowy tinged IYKWIM

So scared nowxx

02-04-09, 11:19
sounds normal.

02-04-09, 11:23

Please try to stop worrying, slightly yellow discharge is normal, and if there is no smell then there should be no problem.

love mandie x

02-04-09, 12:49
its normal it changes at different points in your cycle :)

02-04-09, 13:16
Totally normal - mine is always slightly yellow (TMI!!).... as others have said, it depends on the stage of your cycle....

02-04-09, 14:00
Hi there thats normal i thought the same as you and my smear results were fine

02-04-09, 14:25
Hi hun,I'm waiting on smear test results at the moment..too long if you ask me! I had my first one about 3 weeks? ago maybe and I'm 22.

I remember getting a letter through when I was 20 to get my first one and me being an idiot,freaked and didn't go for it..

And yes,with the Jade Goody stuff and me getting a pelvic infection and all sorts around the same sort of time,my head is going a bit haywire with the cervical thoughts.

I've had all sorts of discharge though,I think it's normal.

I usually have kind of white-ish,then it goes kind of clear,recently it went kind of green yellow tint and was thick and stringy,it looked like mucous but I wiped it away and all is back to normal.


If you want a chat,I'm here sweetpea. I know how our heads can run wild. I'm mid cycle of a wild run heh


03-04-09, 10:37
thanks all, i just googled again :( why o why :( it ays yellow discharge is a sigh of HPV or cervical cancer im distrought again i dont know why i did that to myself, im really scared now :(

03-04-09, 11:29
What colour is normal discharge?

A normal, physiological, discharge is usually clear, creamy or very slightly yellow.

I just went on to Net Doctor - and that's what it came up with..... and the other sites I looked at all said the same....not one suggested that yellow discharge was related to HPV or Cervical Cancer. The only things that they suggested were infection of some kind..... if it smells, is itchy or there are large amounts of it....

You don't have cervical cancer and the only way to check for HPV is a smear test....

But, if you really are worried, go to your GP or local clinic and get it checked out..... honestly though - the worst it could be is a small infection... Try not to worry.

03-04-09, 11:54
Hi Bex, thanks for that if it was HPV it doesnt mean it causes cancer does it? i think i read that 70% of the population have it? 3 years ago i had genital warts but they never came back so i assume my body had cleared it. 3 months ago i had a swab and it came backwith no infection so i guess anything bad would have been fopund then grrr blood y google!!!

03-04-09, 12:36
No, HPV does not mean cancer..... and generally the body clears out the virus on it's own... some strains of HPV can pre-dispose you towards cell changes in the cervix, but if you have regular smears you're fine. And you're right, they estimate that at least 75% of the female population have it (and men, though, as always, they are just carriers and have no symptoms or problems with it)
If it helps, I have HPV (or rather had it) and so far no sign of cancer! I did have cell changes and had them dealt with and my body is now clear of HPV.... and my smears have come back clear for the last two years.
Interestingly, the strain of HPV that gives you warts (some strains do, some don't) is one of the less worrying ones...
Google is a nightmare but I do think that we look for the worrying answers it gives - it's an automatic reflex in us HA sufferers to assume the very worst. BUT, yellow-ish discharge is completely normal....so relax on that front!

03-04-09, 12:54
Don't worry, mine has been slightly yellow from the age of 15 and I'm now 65. I've had smear tests done every 3 years since I was 27 and apart from one occasion when the cells were slightly abnormal, I have been fine. The cells were normal when they called me back 6 months later, but it was a long worrying wait. Hope this helps.

03-04-09, 15:46
mine is exactly the same as you are explaining and i have had 2 smears in 2 years where i got myself in a panic about the colour of my discharge and was fine both times.