View Full Version : why are things so hard to explain?i too get there weird head feelings

Judas Gamez
02-04-09, 12:49
so i have had there weird head sensations that are just so hard to explain. I have how this disorder has made everything complicated:( i cant sleep i cant enjoy a neck and usually it the weird head thing. I get there types of head zaps that get me nervous and i get nervous and i cant sit still. Im not coming off any meds so whats the deal? I have also noticed that watching someone do some type of of sport gets me nervous. Like my weird head sensation kicks in right there and then. Is this my anxiety or should i be worried cause im already to tell the truth. Oh and whats the deal when im trying to fall asleep i wake up in a jolt, and i feel like when i close my eyes its spinnin. That also brings the weird head trip. Help anyone.

12-04-09, 08:45
I get the same symptoms, its the anxiety I think. I thought like you though as I read that others get these when they are coming off medication?
I am going to have a chat to my GP. I think its part of the medication as well though.I know this info may not help but I will let you know.
