View Full Version : Braved the doctors...

02-04-09, 13:06
about my ovary pain and she said she would give me an antomy lesson as the pain was too high to be my ovaries (doh!) She thinks it's related to my IBS and gave me some different tablets to try. When I was there I mentioned the constant weeing and she did a dipstick test on thinks that I have an UTI and gave me some antibiotics and sent my wee off for testing. Now I felt fine in the doctors, fine in the car on the way home and STUPIDLY I googled 'symptoms of UTI's' - Why? Just to check the doctor knew what she was talking about (crazy???!!!) and it said that one cause is tumours. Now I'm freaking out about that? WHY DO I DO IT TO MYSELF. I am SO stupid.

Got to ring up on Monday PM to get the results and I don't want another weekend of panic. Does anyone know what causes UTI's so I don't google again?


02-04-09, 13:13
Lots of things can cause them.... and I have to say, have never heard of a tumour causing them... but there we go... they are pretty common I have to say - and antibiotics will clear them up pretty quickly. Its not cancer - I have had them before, two or three times... they hurt and are uncomfortable and the reason you pee all the time is because the body is trying to get rid of the infection... that's all!

02-04-09, 14:46
Hi hun,with UTI's,the causes are all different,and it's far easier for a female to get them than men due to the anatomy down there of us.

It's usually when bacteria gets up there,maybe after intercourse cos that can push dirties further up.

Different perfumes and soaps and things might alter things down there and that might be a cause.

Being dehydrated also,if you drink far too much caffinated drinks etc.

I am a google fiend and I too in the past when having uti's etc googled it and I never seen anything about tumours.

I'm actually gettgin quite angry at google to be honest cos they have absolutely EVERYTHING under the sun linked to cancer and all sorts.

I googled sinus probs a few months back cos I was having a runny nose contantly and it was coming up all sorts of crap.

I just needed a nasal spray!!

I hope this helps..you should drink plenty of cranberry juice though cos that helps get the wee nasties out that stick to your bladder etc and plenty of water.

Stay away from coffee and stuffs.


Amy xxxxxxxxx

03-04-09, 09:54
I'm now worried that my infection will go to my kidneys. Anyone had a kidney infection? What are the signs? The antibiotics she gave me are called Trimethoprim would these help if it had gone to my kidney's? I'm drinking lots of water but don't know what else to do...:shrug:

03-04-09, 12:34
Trimethopin is very specific antibiotic for uti's and is very effective but it can upset your tummy because it is strong so just keep an eye on your bowels:D
Maybe start taking a probiotic like actimel to try and help the friendly bacteria.

If you get a kidney infection you will know:mad: you will get a high temperature and usually terrible shivers and feel dreadful. I saw my male neighbour with one and we were out for a meal when he suddenly started to shiver violently and felt very ill - he also had grinding ache at bottom of his ribs at back and side and we had to take him home. He had been treated for a uti a couple of seeks previously so he knew that it must have been lurking still and had got to his kidneys - a course of different antibiotics and he was fine.

As prev said drink lots of water and cranberry juice to flush the little devils out!