View Full Version : Really low moods!

02-04-09, 13:52
Hiya, im new to this forum, i wondered if someone could give me a bit of advice as to wether to help myself or go see my doctor, Im getting some pretty worrying thoughts creeping into my mind now and again about dying, not to do myself any harm but thinking sometimes i would sooner be dead than carry on as i am, as in going to bed and thinking "i hope i dont wake up" or "why cant i fall asleep for good in the night" it dosent happen often but it makes me very unhappy, and i am unhappy enough as it is. I cant talk to my husband as he's not the kind of man you could say these things to. I do think its depression ive had it for yrs, and anxiety, apparently they go hand in hand, i dont want to openly admit that i feel like this as i think im ashamed and i dont want anyone to think im going mad. I had really bad post natal depression after my first daughter, (she's now 37) and i dont think its left me after all these yrs, i can still feel it as if it was yesterday. What i want to know is do i go to my docs (ive been before, not impressed) or try and beat it myself :)

02-04-09, 16:22
Thanks Tetley, im considering doing Tia chie sp? and im also going to see my gp i need to do something i'll let you know what happens.