View Full Version : Cant win

02-04-09, 14:49
Well today was the big health checks, bloods ok,bp not bad, ecg one very minor thing but dr says not to worry dont need meds for it , weight ok....etc so i come out feeling great this afternoon back to normal arm ache (anyone get that) hot, restless,feel like crap. doc says be good to have 2 weeks off unfortunately i dont get paid but im doing what he says. Thought id be on cloud9 but instead im just back to normal, sorry for the rant but i get so down with all this. PS anyone get tigling feeling in lips

02-04-09, 15:03
Hi I get all the other symtoms but no tingling in lips, but my lips do change colour they go like a purple, blue colour. Anyone else?
Glad your tests come back ok. I'm always happy when they do but I get home and think I wish there was something wrong cause at least it can be fix and I can get on with life

02-04-09, 15:19
HI no dont get that just this like tingling . i have never known my anx and PA take over my life so much it seems the only thing im thinking about,but at least im trying to do something about it now instead of just going to work and trying to hide it,and feeling the same at weekends when i should be relaxed. yes i suppose thats positive doing something about it