View Full Version : Possible brain tumor? :(

02-04-09, 15:00
Hello, I have been having heaps of random symptoms on and off for the last month and a half and after googling some of my symptoms, I have read awful things and now I'm convinced I have a brain tumor.

This all started with a strange "out of it" feeling I got probably about 6 weeks ago. I got a drink and then it disappeared pretty much as quick as it came, but later that night I experienced shivers and a "brain shrink" feeling (that's the best way I can describe it). Those symptoms disappeared and from monday til friday I heard nothing from it again. Then it came back on the weekend again. A couple of weeks later (it had stopped for ages again), I got a very strange feeling (not like the brain shrink, maybe a bit like lightheadedness) in my head about a few minutes after I had shut my eyes to go to sleep which seemed very disorienting as well. At the same time, I was getting an ache in my testicles (I'm 17, by the way). The doctor sent me for an ultrasound and as far as I know, I'm OK as far as that goes. The ball ache disappeared just after the ultrasound test (probably the next day). A coiple of days before the ultrasound, I had nausea, but this disappeared completely.

The next week, Nausea started, but a lot of the time (not always) when I distracted myself and stopped thinking about it, it would go away. This week, I had nausea on monday for half of the day, but since then I haven't really had nausea except during my "worry" moments. Although since then I have been getting the pressure in my head and horrible concentration, although I can probably attribute that to lack of sleep (only getting 5 hours one day, 6 hours the next and getting up early really doesn't help), some days I can feel absolutely fine, while others I feel like !@#$. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it, but I think it gets worse when I'm worried, and now I'm pretty much convinced I have a brain tumor and that I'll die, etc, etc. now that's over with...

Do I sound completely stupid in saying that this could be a brain timor (due to the incosistancies), or is there a high chance of it being a tumor? I'm worried sick, as I'm only 17, it's really horrible to think I might die :(. My parents keep telling me that it would have done it's harm by now and that whatever I have is harmless cause I've had this long (5/6 weeks) and it hasn't gotten significantly worse, but I aren't convinced.

02-04-09, 15:23
I think one of the best signs of a brain tumour love is fits and seizures etc.

And very very very bad headaches but even that can be migraines!

You yourelf say that when you don't think about it,it goes away..if you're focusing on something for so long,then you'll think nothing else and I sound a hypochrit for telling you this cos I can't rationalise my own thoughts!

People get aches and pains in places that comes and goes and it's just life I guess..it's just for us we can't just get on with it.

My friend has an absess down at his tailbone and he needs surgery to remove it and he'll be wheelchair bound for about a month til it heals..and he's one of the happiest people I know! He's just getting on with it! If it was me I would be scared I would get paralised or take an allergic reaction to the anastesia or something.

I know this seems just random babbling,trying to make a point though.

I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. And I agree ofcourse it's a horrible feeling keeping thinking you're gonna die. You're so young,you should be enjoying yourself! I'm 22 and I feel about 92!

I'm here if you want to talk or anything,

Amy xxxxxxxxx

02-04-09, 16:04
I get these strange jerk feelings at night when i'm going to asleep ever so often

02-04-09, 16:39
Hello, I’m pretty much the same as you just now.

I’ve been suffering for about 3 years now and I have good spells and bad spells.

Right now I’m convinced I’ve got something more serious wrong in my head but I’ve seen 3 doctors over the past 3 months and also had an eye test but they say its still stress and anxiety. I hate the fact I get turned away even though I’m dizzy for parts of the day, shaky on my feet and get that same brain shrink feeling you’re getting.

I’ve been put onto Propranolol (40mg) twice a day but I’m still the same, sleeping slightly better but that’s it.

I was feeling great for months but had a funny dizzy spell about 5 months ago and it seems to have set things off again. I also woke up the other day and felt very dizzy and couldn’t focus. Again I keep getting told its tension, stress and anxiety. It feels so much worse.

02-04-09, 16:40
I get these strange jerk feelings at night when i'm going to asleep ever so often

Does it jolt you out of your sleep?

02-04-09, 18:06
I get a very similar set of symptoms including headaches, dizzyness and jerks when I try to sleep. I've had some for years and some are new. All these are things are attributable to anxiety along with thousands of other things.

It's hard to believe that all these things are as a result of what's happening in your mind but I know it to be the case. I've had months at a time suffering terrible symptoms which only pass when you convince yourself that it is anxiety and learn to ignore it, in the end they go...

Good luck

02-04-09, 21:34
Does it jolt you out of your sleep?

Nah, it happens before going to sleep, but I haven't been woken by it...

03-04-09, 09:13
Nah, it happens before going to sleep, but I haven't been woken by it...

Maybe I described it wrong. Its like your just nodding off but still awake then it happens?

Hopefully this weekend my situation will improve, work and stress seem to cause it.

Marc EH
03-04-09, 12:08
I had blood tests done as I've been feeling lightheaded etc for a month now and they have all come back clear which is good but I still feel dizzy and I'm so scared I'm going to drop down dead at any minute - sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind with worry about this - do you get like this?

03-04-09, 12:19
I had blood tests done as I've been feeling lightheaded etc for a month now and they have all come back clear which is good but I still feel dizzy and I'm so scared I'm going to drop down dead at any minute - sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind with worry about this - do you get like this?

Why would you think that?:huh:

Marc EH
03-04-09, 12:42
Just because I feel so lightheaded all the time and each time it happens I'm worried I'm going to faint. I try not to worry but everytime it happens I do...:weep:

03-04-09, 16:52
Just because I feel so lightheaded all the time and each time it happens I'm worried I'm going to faint. I try not to worry but everytime it happens I do...:weep:

You won't drop down dead so please don't worry.:flowers:

05-04-09, 14:26
Hmm, my latest "problem" is that when I go to sleep, I get slight body movements every minute or so, which causes a lot of problem when trying to go to sleep. In fact, every now and again when I'm relaxed, I can get these movements as well :S

05-04-09, 15:44
I was trying to go to sleep not long ago, and now I'm getting this weird eyelid flickering :(. Why would this happen?

07-04-09, 13:18
Just because I feel so lightheaded all the time and each time it happens I'm worried I'm going to faint. I try not to worry but everytime it happens I do...:weep:

I can relate exactly to this, I get it all the time right now. I also never leave the house without my glasses as I 'seem' to feel alot worse without them now!

I'm about a week into Propronolol that I've been prescibed, hard to say if they have had any effect at all. Still get sharp head pains (probably muscle tension) and dizzy spells, periods of feeling very light on my feet.

07-04-09, 17:58

Haven't been on this site for the past 2 years or so which says something in itself as I have literally had no-more-panic ! But.....when I joined this forum in late 2006 I was in a terrible state with fears very similar to you.

Let me try and assure you that you definately do not have a brain tumor, maybe you feel you have the symptoms, but you don't actually have one ! What happened to me is a very long story and I won't bore anyone with all the details. In 2002 my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor and for 3 months that I was her full time carer at home, so have first hand experience of these things, trust me.

After my mother died through various reasons with my family I wasn't allowed to grieve and come to terms with the impact of those 3 months. I thought at the time I had coped and come through the other side. Forward the clock 4 years and my life suddenly became very stressful due to a partner who was a complete bully and abuser. I woke up one day and replicated all the symptoms my mum had had 4 years previously, including all the ones you have written about plus others that not many people are aware of. I only know these because of what I had witnessed and experienced with my mum. I was in a real state and it lasted about 6 months or so. I didn't have half the tests you've had done, only because my GP knew for sure what was going on in my head, literally !

Stress, anxiety, depression causes the most horrendous "symptoms" to our bodies. Our brains are far more powerful than any of us can imagine. The dizziness, the pains, the sickness, the blurred vision etc etc was very real don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a brain tumor that I now thought I had. It was my body being convinced by my brain that I was in deep trouble, when in fact it wasn't. Anxiety is real and serious to the point of you own well being, but you don't die from it in essence. Some people I suppose do take things further that could be harmful, but as a rule the general anxiety-symptoms don't. I know you won't believe it, cos I didn't and that's part of the loop. To recover you need to out the loop but your brain won't let you. In time it does, believe me because I'm proof ! It took a while to get there, but I did and it's all a distant memory now. I had no supporting partner, as said she thrived on the fact that she could bully me more with taunts of my mother etc etc. So I thought to myself, if I'm gonna live or die I wanna do it on my own !! So I walked away from her and my house and everything I had built up over the years. Within days I felt a million times better and within weeks I had totally recovered from the nightmare.

Believe me, you will too. In fact with you having all those test and being told nothing is wrong you should take from that and be assured that you've been given a very good and long MOT ! Of course I do not know your background that led to you feeling this way but if you were a happy normal person before then you will be a happy normal person again. It does take time but you will recover and in time you will look back and wonder if that was really you that went through it. I did. I changed certain parts of my life, I got rid of the biggest thing that was causing my stress and misery, I got a new job and then after 6 years was able to grieve for my mother properly! Yes I am still grieving but it's the natural way of dealing with it. I know its grief and I know it's normal and I can cope with it now. It won't last forever and it hasn't turned me back to my bout of anxiety.

I walked away from a very comfortable life. I had a 5 bedroom house, new cars every 6 months, 4 holidays abroad a year and a very high income job. I now live in a bed sit, an old car, and no holidays BUT, I have very little stress, no-one to bully or abuse me anymore and I feel great !!

You will get through it, don't ever think otherwise. Your brain is powerful and will control you. You sometimes need to take control of your brain and change things. When you're ready to do that, you'll know.

I hope something of what I've written has helped.

Good luck with your recovery and big hugs to you. x
