View Full Version : Can this symptom be anxiety related ?

02-04-09, 15:10
I am fairly sure I suffer from GAD although I have never spoken to a doctor about it. I always get weird symptoms that tend to come and go, like breathing problems, palpatations, day dream feeling during day, etc. Well my latest symptom, which I am trying to find out if is anxiety related or not, is that since yesterday I have found it more difficult then normal to "think", I stutter in my thoughts, which is really weird, like some kind of mental block. Instead of thinking like "what day is today" I will often think "what.....day.....is today". Weird on and off stutters. Also reading text has become slightly more difficult then usual.

Also, whether this is linked, I often feel a small strange minor sensation in my chest when I am trying to think hard but can't. I am also more confused then normal when talking.

Obviously being the born worrier that I am, I have done all the usual "follow my finger" test, raise arm test, etc etc. Just in case a stroke or something was imminent. I seem to be able to do all those things ok. I wondered if maybe I am concentrating ojn thinking too much, and this may be causing it ? It seems worse soon after waking up but never fully goes during the day. Only started yesterday, but is still with me today. I just feel as though my brain is not functioning as well as it should.

Any one else suffered from this ?

04-04-09, 00:18
Hi, sounds like stress or anxiety. Some of your symptoms could also be due to tiredness, or if you're a naturally hyperactive person, that can also cause a feeling of confusion now and then :)

04-04-09, 09:56
Hi Brain freezes are one of the symptoms of anxiety.

This can be crippling at times, and you might feel your not in control of your thoughts.

What i do in this situation is 1. calm myself down, and 2. try to remember my fave songs, or something like that.

Doing that reassures me, hope this helps.

04-04-09, 15:57
I started with GAD too over a plane trip to Prague from the US....I knew I was going to die over the ocean! When my anxiety began to display symptoms, as you described above, I began to freak and google them which lead to health anxiety and made all of my symptoms so much worse....just a peice of advice...stick to this site to read about your symptoms and stay off of google. Good luck.

05-04-09, 17:34
My response is simple: www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com). Look under "symptoms of anxiety". Wiskers ~