View Full Version : hello out there!

02-04-09, 16:14

tried this a few days ago but for some reason it did not post! Work with computers every day but this is the first time I have posted anything on a site.

I came across this site early this week and felt compelled to join. So many of your stories are similar to my fight with anxiety and panic attacks that I will be brief about my history with panic.

First attack almost 4 yrs ago (has it been so long?). I was in Holland for business and having an evening meal with colleagues from all across the world. Starters came, felt fine my usual self then I remember the heat from the food hitting me. My vision went blured, started sweating lots, went bright red, heart pounding...you know the rest. Looking back it may have been a bit of heat stroke or a bug but the seed was sown. Had attacks almost daily after that for a few weeks. COuld not go into crowded rooms or restaurants, felt like I must have something very very wrong with me physically.

Since then they have come and gone. Off work since Monday as I felt dizzy for 4 days. Went to see new doctor yesterday and she gave me low dose beta blockers. Tried one when I got home. They do not suit me at all. Feel like I have been on the cider! Got a bit frightened about my reaction to them but calmed down a bit now.

What I really need is some contact with people who are the same as me.

I could go on and on about the bad stuff that panic and fear of panic has done to me and my life. No social life right now beacuse I am frightened of ruining everyones time!

The main thing to rememeber is that we are not alone! I still have my fighting spirit and I refuse to let this thing make my life smaller still!

Does anyone out there have any positive stuff to say about ways of making panic work for me or at least how to manage it without drugs? I have been for two lots of CBT (8weeks each) AND paid through the nose for hypnosis.

I was a young confident woman with no idea these problems existed before my first attack.

x lulu x

02-04-09, 16:20
Hi Lulu,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

My advice to you would be try anything, if it works its great, i am currently reading dr claire weekes book which i am finding brilliant, so much so i have started driving in places that i would normally be too scared to.

best wishes

di xx

02-04-09, 16:28
Thanks Di,

I will check that out now. I have a copy of 'Overcoming Panic' by Derrick Silove & Vijaya Manicavasagar that I need to read too.

x Lulu

02-04-09, 16:32

you can get the book on this site in the nmp shop its cheaper than what i paid for at amazon

di xx

02-04-09, 16:41
Hi LuLu,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate to how you are feeling and will give their support. I went to counseling with a psychotherapist and it helped me.

Take care,


02-04-09, 17:39
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good. I've tried CBT but unfortunately it wasn't for me, but everyone is different and there are still loads of other things you can try, take care xx

02-04-09, 19:13
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

04-04-09, 15:56
Hi Lulu, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

04-04-09, 16:27
Hi Lulu
Wecome to NMP, I'm sure you'll get lots of advice on this site as it's reassured me to know that some of us are suffering with similar symptoms.
I have read the Claire Week's books and am currently reading How to Master Anxiety by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell which gives you lots of tips on how to overcome some stress, panic attacks.
For a few months I've been reluctant to do things that I would have normally done before the attacks took over - but now I've decided not to let it take over my life.
I have recently been to see a counsellor who has given me some advice on how to cope with the panic attacks that I have and she gave me some tips on how to relieve tension in my body.