View Full Version : Blood pressure Query

02-04-09, 16:25
Hi, I have high blood pressure going back generations on my fathers side of the family. I have been having mine checked for a few months and had readings ranging from 144/70 to 168/90
The doctor told me yesterday it is borderline high but because of my family history I should start on medication now (I am 30 years old). He has prescribed me lisinopril. I hate taking new medication and having read the leaflet am panicking about allergic reactions and side effects. I have to take one a day so I took one about 5pm last night and another this afternoon. If I was going to have a reaction to them would it have happened by now?

The doc has also asked me to have an ecg as well. Why would he want me to have an ecg? I'm getting worked up he thinks I have a major heart problem. Please can anyone shed any light


02-04-09, 16:31
Hi paul,

you would have had side effects on taking the first tablet if you were going to get any, so no worries there. The doc is just checking you're okay, lots of people have had ecg's, yours will no doubt come back fine and doc will be happy and you will have peace of mind, hes probably asked for an ecg because of the family history.

best wishes


02-04-09, 17:01

I don't know about the medication but I'm guessing you would have had a reaction by now. As far as the ecg is concerned, I wouldn't worry, its quite a routine thing they do with blood pressure problems and various other things, it doesn't mean he thinks there is something wrong. I know loads of people who have had routine ecg's and they have been fine and I had one myself a few years ago after getting high blood pressure readings, that was fine also. I'm only 26 so younger then you and my bp turned out to be anxiety related as I get normal readings when I calm so I wasn't put on meds. I'm sure everything will be fine :)

02-04-09, 21:26
hi thier i didnt read your post sorry, but just wanted to share this with you, www.RESPeRATE.co.uk

i have no first hand experince of it, but saw the leaflet the other day in my docs and it claims it works well. now i know you will be cynical but they do sell them in pharmicies and some doctors do recomend it. so something to bear in mind.

i wish you good luck with your problems and hope you find a resolution as soon as possible.