View Full Version : Vag Swab question

02-04-09, 17:08
Hi just me again, i recently got a swab done as i had an abnormal discharge, (tmi soz):blush: anyway had a phonecall from the doctors saying they had made a mistake put it on the wrong dipstick pink instead of charcoal seemingly and the lab have sent it away to the virology dept instead, so i have to get another swab taken on monday, what a fiasco. :shrug:
I was just wondering what would show up on this swab if you had any virus like what would they be looking for and what result would they find in a vag swab just curious as I always thought viruses were picked up through blood tests.

02-04-09, 18:12
Any kind of infection.... for that area, they have to swab! Poor you, what a pain.... Think they test for all the sexual ones and others such as gardinarella (you'd know if you had that.... really yukky and smells, sorry TMI!!!) - severe thrush etc. NOTHING SERIOUS THOUGH!