View Full Version : Abnormal Smear Result, Please Help Me Anyone!!

02-04-09, 17:28
I Had my smear test results yesterday which said I was being refferred for a colopscopy as I had abnormal cells. I stupidly asked the doc today what severity the abnormalities were and I was told they are severe which is equivalent to CIN3. So I have not stopped panicking since, I know I must have cancer even tho I haven't had any symptoms. I may have to wait a few weeks for the test which isn't fair, I won't be abl;e to cope for that long. Has anybody else had severe abnormalities and lived to tell the tale?

02-04-09, 17:48
Umm yes loads of have.

You are not going to die just yet!

I had a colposcopy many years ago and all was fine afterwards.

02-04-09, 18:01
dont have experience with this myself but have a friend who had similar and all was just fine xxx

02-04-09, 18:02
I have pm'd you BUT just for the record. CINIII is not cancer - and CINIII can take up to 20 years or longer to turn into cancer.... And your doctor should not have used the term severe as it implies something dreadful. Ladies out there, has anyone else had results like this and can help.... I have twice - the second time they thought it was worse than CINIII... but the colposcopy, thank god, came back with CINIII. I think, at one time or another, everyone has had smear issues....and they are horrid and really scary. BUt I cannot stress more that CINIII is categorically NOT cancer.

Poor you - it's so frightening but please, believe me, I have been there and back on this one myself and on this issue, I really do know what I'm talking about....

02-04-09, 19:06
Me! I have had abnormal cells 2 or 3 times over many years. 4 years ago now, I had abnormal cells (again) and was referred for a colposcopy. I could see that these abnormal cells were bothering the dr so he did a loop excision there and then! I left and they told me I would receive biopsy results as soon as. around 4 weeks later I received a letter telling me the biopsy was NOT cancer. I have to be checked yearly now for 10 years. I actually have only had 1 smear test since this as I got pregnant and had a baby so my first smear test after this was last April. I was convinced it would be the same again but NO it was clear. Please Please Please do not worry yourself, I understand with all in the media regarding poor Jade has worried many many people but seriously, Jades, was a very unusual and rare case. A previous poster was correct on the amount of years it can take for this type of problem to become a real big problem and thats what smear tests are for to prevent it from becoming a problem. I understand your worries as I was like it the first time I had an abnormal smear but after many many many years of abnormal, normal, abnormal, normal you begin to understand it a little bit more. Go for your colposcopy and if need be the dr will get rid of these niggly abnormal cells, and I say that because at the moment, the chances are that this is all that these are hunny. It actually made me realise how bloomin brilliant our dr's and nhs are as they do these test sooooooo early that cervical cancer will the majority of the time be prevented
Good luck hunny and try not to worry to much. easier said than done I know but do try.

02-04-09, 19:07
Hiya mvp123,

I had an abnormal smear test, that did say on the results that they say through the post, severe, cant remeber all the medical terms, but it def said severe ect ect. I went for lazer treatment to remove the cells, and have had clear smear tests ever since, this was 10 yrs ago, fingers crossed im just waiting my results for last test.

Try not to worry, i spoke to the doctor and the nurses at the hospital and they assured me that if they were left untreated then they could/may turn cancerous in the next 10 yrs or so, definately nothing ammediate.

They will just treat you then probably put you aon yearly smear test for 5 yrs. Things may have moved on now, but thats what they did with me 10 yrs ago, and things will have improved by now, good luck and let us know how you get on eh !

Please try to stop worrying so much , thousands of women go through this all the time, and i can assure you if they thought there was anything serious they wouldnt be asking you to wait so long for any treatment.

Take care

02-04-09, 19:38
Oh my... I'm waiting on smear test results and this is scary! I know I will freak too when I get the results..but seeing these posts is comforting.

All us poor girlies having to cope with this.

I say we grouphug :)

I hope you feel better sweety xxxxx

02-04-09, 20:44
I suffer with HA and sympathise with you all as I know how it feels, however, I have just today booked my 12 month routine smear test, I am NOT worried about it because I know that if there are any changes from last time, they will be dealt with. Please please, don't worry yourself ill over this. (yes I have worried my self ill over things too, so well know what it is like) xx

02-06-09, 22:12

Im waiting for my smear results aswell, had it taken last friday. It is scary for us woman to have to have things like this, but yes as previouusly said this thread was comfortating should anything come back out of the norm. My last smear was 2 years ago.

03-06-09, 19:05
I too have had an abnormal pap and colposcopy and biopsy, I had warts on my cervix (the strain that causes warts IS NOT the same that causes cancer) but the results came back negative and have had three years of normal paps since. This after the doctor looking at my cervix said "looks pretty bad in there!" as I lay there in a paper dress crying! I don't have any female friends who havent had at least one abnormal pap. I have read that something like 95% of people have HPV, but everyone I know, their HPV has healed quickly and abnormal cells have healed themselves or are easily scraped off, never to return. Like someone above said, cancer of the cervix takes 10-20 years to develop, as it did with my mother. She actually got cancer at the age of 39, went in for a simple procedure, went on to have my brother, and has not had an abnormal pap in 25 years. This is definitely the typical experience for anyone with abnormal cells. I feel very bad for all you in the UK who were deluged with the Jade Goody situation, her case was EXTREMELY unusual, absolutely not the norm and I have read in several articles that for years she ignored doctors request to come in and have her cancer removed from her cervix. So as tragic as her death was,she did not do the responsible thing. And is just scaring the crap out of all us women with HA!
I just wanted to share mine and my mothers experience with you, I did so much research when I had my abnormal pap, and truly believe ours is the typical experience--thats why paps are so great!
Good luck, you will be fine! :hugs:

03-06-09, 19:20
I was getting a few abnormal smears a few years ago and they sent me for a colposcopy. The doctor said there and then i would need laser treatment as he could clearly see i needed it. He took a biopsy and said to wait for the results before i go for the treatment. Everything came back normal. How he could see i needed laser treament but in the end i didnt, i dont know:shrug:
I had to have regular smears for a while and everytime, even now, they are always normal.

03-06-09, 20:19
i have had two cousins and one friend that have had abnormal paps at various stages. they are all just fine and two of them have had more children since the treatment. it seems to be pretty treatable, good luck.

03-06-09, 23:51
I have had two abnormal smears, with borderline abnormalities in the past 6 months. I have also been referred to the hospital for a colposcopy in June. I also, like you, freaked out assuming the wrost. I have since researched and spoken to many people, doctors and nurses, and many who have had treatment for cin3. You must understand the screenings are to detect precancerous changes. This is NOT cancer..... this means some (and not even many) over the period of 15 years or so, can potentially turn cancerous IF you do NOT have treatment. The treatment is fast and only takes about 5 mins and removes all suspect cells..... years and years before anything could happen. The process is SO slow that so long as you have a treatment if they suspect your cells are changing due to the HPV virus, they can remove them to give your body a chance to heal faster rather than leaving you to heal without a head start. Cervical cancer is not common these days because it has a preventative treatment put into practise at the screening stage. Practically all cases of cervical cancer are due to people never having attended a smear test before.... Keep in touch with me if you like as I am also in the same position as you. I am borderline but I have been borderline for two smears now and will probably have to have the same treatment as you. Do not worry... its just your imagination getting the better of you, just like it did me xx