View Full Version : For a HA sufferer, back pain = heart attack

02-04-09, 18:00
I know when I say it out loud it sounds so crazy, but its what I can't control my mind and where it goes! I woke up this morning with a horribly sore back. I know logically, I slept on it wrong (had a ton of nightmares last night too) and that is why I'm sore, plus I just started working out again too.

But then I "google" and find that back pain (on the left side) is a symptom of a heart attack and that heart attacks occcur most commonly between the hours of 4:00 AM and 10:00 AM. In my head makes compelete sense that I have every reason to be scared. The more I think about it, the more I feel chest pain and pressure.

I'm only 28 years old. I'm having arguments in my own head about how silly this is and that I am certainly not having a heart attack. Its just so hard. My doctor said the only way I could have a heart attack would be if I had a heart defect from birth whcih would have been caught by now or if I had clogged arteries from years of high cholesteral and high blood pressure. He's not even worried.

Why can't I stop? Sorry guys, needed to vent. My back is killing me at the bottom of my rib cage, I can barely turn my body :-( So I'm just cranky.

Captain America
02-04-09, 18:07
the only way you'll know is when you survive it. like my dr. said, if it was my heart it would be the longest heart attack in history! that eased my mind some. the key is that after you make it through today, and you will, you need to remember this the next time so that you don't freak yourself out so much.

02-04-09, 18:37
Excellent point :-)

Thanks for the advice. You are right, if I was having a heart attack, it would be the longest one in history.

I think I manage to confuse what it says online with real fact. I think I have it in my head that symptoms of a heart attack can happen weeks or even a month before you have one.

Of course I have no medical basis, I just make assumptions because I'm so scared. My heart fear started from one really scary PVC. That led to me thinking I had Atrial Flutter, then I thought I had Atrial Fib, then angina, and now this fear of heart attack. Bad cycle.

02-04-09, 18:44
But then I "google" and find that back pain (on the left side) is a symptom of a heart attack and that heart attacks occcur most commonly between the hours of 4:00 AM and 10:00 AM. In my head makes compelete sense that I have every reason to be scared. The more I think about it, the more I feel chest pain and pressure.

I had mine at 2.30am - I like to be different :winks:

02-04-09, 19:09
LOL!!! :roflmao:

04-04-09, 01:48
I know how your feeling, for me it started slowy, little chest pains and worries and then worse and worse...now...the pain is constant, in my heart, all over my chest and back..ive been to the e.r 6 or 7 times thinking i was having a heart attack, had a list of test including echo cardiogram and more ekg's than i have fingers! every single test is normal, every single doctor is not concerned...im now on xanax and paxil to try and keep this under some kind of control...but i too am still here and while logicaly i should worry less than most people about my heart because ive been given the all clear, i worry more and more...it is ruining my life and i hate it.. go see someone, or figure out a way to get this under control now before it gets worse!
this sucks, i live each day thinking its my last instead of enjoying it just incase it is. sucks :(

04-04-09, 13:28
Hi, I know how you feel I was rushed into A & E over a week ago with pain in my chest, between shoulder blades etc but Heart tests came back ok. Still have the pain though and when I lift my arms up it really hurst. I also had a CT scan of my chest and liver which really freaked me out (see earlier post) but as of yet no results and the hospital have said dont worry if no one has called you. Now I dont know if the pain is worry/stress, muscular or something else. I am so miserable. I hope you feel better soon. :)

05-04-09, 05:47
I hope we all continue to get better! It's so hard. Now my back is feeling much better, but I'm still scared because I feel tightness and pressure in my chest. I'm not having a panic attack or anything so of course my mind goes to heart attack.

So strange that anxiety and stress are present even when I think I'm doing better. I suppose that my just being on this forum means I'm stressed, which could also be why I'm having the chest tightness.

AAHHHH! I annoy myself.