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02-04-09, 19:37
Im a truely going mad!!! I seriously think I have breast cancer and noone is listening to me!!! Ive had aches and pains in the left breast area. Been to the docs every week for the last 5 weeks, I ve had a breast exam and a blood test. What is worrying me now is my left boob has a few really prominant blue veins. The doctor checked a few weeks ago and said it was fine. Ive spoken to NHS direct and today phoned and spoke to the nurse at the docs. I just cant rest though, Im convinced these are signs of breast cancer. Dont remember them being there before, I have breastfeed two kids, maybe they came after that...? Everyone thinks i shouldnt be worried. I suppose the doc would have found a lump.. I dont know what to do, just feel like crying all the time. Begining to think I should pay for a doc to look into it, but would they do anymore? Supposed to go to docs in a week and a half. I cant wait that long.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Supposed to go to my first Yoga class tonight... I just feel like crying.

02-04-09, 19:56
I am going through the same at the moment have not long posted about it, i also have 2 vey prominant veins in my right breast the one that's sore. I done a bad thing and googled, not good. So can understand how you are feeling as well xx

02-04-09, 20:04
Without the word of a lie I have started prodding about my boobs today cos they are sore..I'm due my period and I dunno why I get more aware of them..

But I noticed a little brown spot like a pore on my left one and now I have freaked myself cos I fiddled and it dont look right now.

I understand sweety.

02-04-09, 20:05
Are you pregnant by any chance? I say that b/c my frined noticed veins on her boobs when she was expecting.

02-04-09, 20:09
No my children are 12 and 14 now, but i do think that after having them the veins were there and just stayed , but im not sure as i really didn't suffer from the health anxiety as bad then , what makes it look worse as well is i have a stretch mark just right on the vein as well.

02-04-09, 22:39
I am assuming that the doctor is a GP he would not be able to be certain there is no lump ask to be referred to the breast care centre and get another doctor there to check you over it is the only way to be certain I have had breast cancer so do not take any chances just insist on being referred you have a right to a second opinion

02-04-09, 22:43
Hey thanks for the replies. Just back from yoga which was great but have already started comparing boobs. One is sooooo veiny, with 2 really prominant veins. The doc checked and said it was fine..
I googled too though tonight:( Not good and I promised myself I wouldnt do it!!!!!
What else can I do to reassure myself!?!?!? As you say they may have been there after having the kids, but it didnt bother me then. My other half cant remember if they were there or not.
Ive have had pain around the breast too for the past few weeks (was put down to pulled muscle), but that seems to have pretty much gone, I have had to have ibuprofen 3 times a day (playing havoc with my stomach).
I wish there was a well woman clinic or something I could pop into to get another opinion. I seriously cant go back to the docs yet... The nurse said that if the doc had been concerned at all she would have sent me straight down to the breast clinic.
Am now even too terrified to check for lumps. May leave it to the doctor. Am at my wits end, checking in different mirrors around the house to see how bad it is.....

02-04-09, 22:48
you either decide to go to the breast clinic or stay anxious you do not have the answers to know if there is a lump or not my lump was there and picked up by the mammogram a gp could not have felt it . on the otherhand my daughter had a benign lump.

02-04-09, 22:49
Oh my god why wouldnt the GP find a lump??!!!! I was reassured by her checking me... What would they do differently at the breast clinic?? Am panicking now!!

02-04-09, 22:50
OK will call docs in morning thanks

02-04-09, 23:23
i did notmean to scare you the breast care clinic does mammograms which detect really samall irregularities also they have more expertise than a gp to examine you by hand i have this done at a hospital twice a year and i have a mammogram once a year. They do biopsies if they really want to kn ow more You said the veins changed and women are told to watch for changes in the skin dimpling etc,i am not sure about veins but what you seem to be saying is that you think your breasts have changed so why sit there and worry when your mind can be put at ease by an examination at a breast clinic. you may be worrying about nothing so you will feel a little silly but the anxiety will go away. sometimes we need to take action against the anxiety. i have recently found out i have a heart problem that i was sure was anxiety now i am really worried about that

03-04-09, 10:00
Oh my god why wouldnt the GP find a lump??!!!! I was reassured by her checking me... What would they do differently at the breast clinic?? Am panicking now!!
At the breast clinic they will do mammograms and probably ultrasound too which I have heard is better than mammograms especially in younger women. There was a young woman at the breast clinic when I was there and she had a definite lump but for some reason the mammogram wasn't picking it up so I think that's why they do ultrasound as well.

I think what you have is probably just normal and your hormones playing up but I would ask the doctor for an appointment just to settle your mind. At the one I went to at our local hospital the staff were lovely and all women and you got your results the same day.:)

03-04-09, 13:00

You poor thing you sound so worried and I really really really think you dont need to be. Stress can cause these pains and the vein thing stress too , adrenaline pumping around your body can make your veins seem very prominant and your skin thinner, it can even make you a bit dehydrated.

Honestly trust the drs they know their job!

Dont worry, you okay!
