View Full Version : Nipple questions..help

02-04-09, 20:09
What do nipples normally look like?

I've noticed mines keep changing? And everytime I look they look different and I had noticed a dark spot on one of my nipples,like tiny,like a pore..and I tried to fiddle with it and my nail cut it and it bled a little but it kinda looks like dried bit of blood sticking out from a pore and a bit of skin and I've freaked myself.

Any my nippled at the moment are smooth,like the areola but the nippled is really big and wrinkled and round the areola are like these weird raised lumps.

I'm tryint to pull this little piece of skin off,its tiny and it looks like dirt out a blackhead to be honest but it wont come out its like rooted and Im freaked the hell out now :'(

And I've crazied myself cos my periods are due and my boobs are sore anyways..and I dunno what to fdo now. this weird s**t is on my boob!

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02-04-09, 21:07
have you been watching the sex education vs pornograpghy show on C4 this week? They had a section about nipples. Everyones are different. If you didn't see it, try & catch it on the catch up on the website cos it was dead interesting. If you are at all worried, go ask the doc or nurse at your local surgery & they will go through things with you. xxx

Sammy J
02-04-09, 21:19
Ooh, boobies are weird :D .

I have the little bumps around the nipple and dark bits AND strange little bits that stick up and can be pulled out (kinds like small threads with white heads :wacko: ). Always have had them but only me notices..lol!

02-04-09, 21:28
its actually not ony my nipple per se but in the aerola part and it and it looks like a pore with three little root things coming out,like the waxy stuff you get out of blackheads but it wont come out it's like rooted in my skin.

I just went for a bath and veins look more prominent in my boobs as well now.

I thought I was MAYBE getting over all my bowel problems..eveidently there's a line of things I need to get over :'(

02-04-09, 21:36
You have typical HA symptoms

Once a problem is resolved you move on to something else :doh:

Stop poking and prodding :winks:

02-04-09, 21:45

I am scared now about this.

I love comforting everyone else and yet I can't comfort myself.

:( What to do what to do.

I had a bath to try and relax and instead I just freaked out about freckles on my body that I MAY or may NOT have had for a long time.

Awww I'm getting so tired of this

02-04-09, 21:47
wee mee what treatment are you getting for health anxiety??
i had a wee look at all your posts and the evident thing that stands out is your needing help to get to the root causes of why your ha is so bad
im no expert on ha but as a anxiety sufferer i feel for you that all these symptons manifest themselves one after another and if they can try and treat the ha then maybe jsut maybe all other stuff would melt away
does this make sense to you

02-04-09, 21:59
Yeah it does. I just dont know where to go.

I have a psychologist that I see fortnightly but it's alot of stuff he covers. I'm depressed,anxious,have quite odd mood swings,worry alot about my friends and family,eating issues and it just goes on.

I had bad HA a few years back and it subsided for a bit and it really just got kick started with Jade Goody. and my friend's friend who got lung cancer and he's a year younger than me (21)

I'm losing what should be happy times and I'm scared I'm MAKING my body this way

02-04-09, 22:06
aww , i can really sympathise with you, i wish we could just stop going over the same things time after time, we know what we are doing but just cant stop. The thing is we are not imagining the pain we do have it but just always assume its the worst. I just am thinking at the moment i mean one of those times its not going to be nothing its going to be something, sorry im meat to be reassuring you not making you worse........i meant to say my nipples changed after i had the kids and the doctor said that the darker bits , raised bits , and the wrinkles as well etc on the nipple were all normal and that some folks had it without even having children x