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View Full Version : Appreciate some advice please re symptons head/face/tingling etc

03-04-09, 00:54
Hi everyone,

Sorry if this seems like a bit of a ramble and i think i know in my own mind the answers already but i would like to hear your ideas and suggestions, over the last couple of months since being made redundant i have become more ill than i ever have in years, it all started back in december when i lost my job, didnt feel particularly stressed and have found another job working shift work, ill give you a brief run down of my symptons...

1) headache and dizziness - runs all across the front of my head and can last a few hours or as many as 24, i have visited accident and emergency and they did lots of nuerological tests all clear, i have also had my eyes tested in case it was to do with working with pc's

2) pins and needles in hands and feet

3) warm sensation in shin's and muscle pain in same area

4) jaw and ear ache

Now i know this seems like a lot but i think alot of it is in my own imagination, well not sure if that is the right way to describe it as the pain is real but.. i dont know how to explain it, i hope you know what i mean and am trying to say,

Looking forward to your responses!

03-04-09, 04:40
a couple of things i forgot to mention that i get as well is trouble sleeping and also veins becoming more visible in my leg, i have recently flown and am now getting paranoid about dvt as well!

03-04-09, 14:07
First thing is are you clenching your teeth - or even just clenching your jaw. Doing this for whatever reason can give you all the head sensations you mention. Tensing your muscles can cause tingling etc and even jumping muscles or twitching muscles. We do all these things wituout even realising it due to being anxious.

03-04-09, 15:06
hey there

i have exactly the same symptoms, i also get numbness and aches in my eyes

if i have a good day (and thank god i have been having a fair few in the last couple of weeks), i get NO symptooms. today, i am ahving a bad day, my head pounds, along my jaw, top of my teeth, into my eyes and they hurt, i feel llike i have pulled muscles in my eyes.

i am trying to treat these symptoms as indicators that i need to step back and chll, look at what is stressing me out and making me feel like this (which i know the anser to)

i hope u feel ok soon, oh and i love my bachs rescue remedy pastilles


03-04-09, 15:26
I think Annie is right. It sound like stress causing you to feel this way. All the tingles and pains and headaches is caused by adrenaline flooding through your system, even the prominant veins. My psychologist told me that after prolonged stress the adrenaline continues even when you think youare calm and so the symtoms continue. Unfortunately HA means that you keep the adrenaline going over and over and over. And the worst thing is that the adrenaline makes you think there is something wrong when there isnt.

Horrible cycle but you can break it Im sure......me trying hard too!
