View Full Version : Lymph node?

03-04-09, 08:00
Hi everybody

I have this lump/gland/lymph node(?) behind my right ear that is swollen in the morning for the past one month almost. In two hours after getting out of bed the swelling has gone and it is like an empty bag in there just behind the skin... I do not have any infections as far as I know except maybe a very mild long term virus-thing, but could it be a lymph node? It is ~0.5cm (0.2 inches for the SI-system impaired :winks:) in diameter, and it is just behind my ear where the ear grows out of the head. There's a small depression in my skull on both sides, but only on the right side do I have this swollen thing in the depression.

Can this be just a lymph node? I certainly hope so... do lymph nodes do this cycling?

All the best, Jens

03-04-09, 22:18
It sounds very much like one. I wouldn't worry about it as it's small and it gets bigger than smaller as lymph nodes do. :)
Officially you're supposed to have a lymph node check out if it is bigger than 1 cm or is steadily growing, and it is hard, unmovable.

03-04-09, 22:24
Hi :)
Its probably something quite harmless but its best to always get lumps, or any medical symptoms checked out by a gp rather than getting advice on the internet, no matter how well meaning people are in trying to help and reassure you. Only a gp can tell you for certain what it is.