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03-04-09, 11:18
Hi im scared , i have this sort of dizziness all day long , and im scared all day long because of this, i dont like this feeling and it wont go away dr wont do any tests coz they say its anxiety but what if its not please help

03-04-09, 11:24
This was one of my worst symptoms, it is a major one with anxiety.

I got so fed up with it that i demanded a blood test and results was my iron stores were very low, I am on iron tablets now and most of the dizziness has gone. Go to your GP and ask for a blood test, you never no u may have low iron too.

03-04-09, 11:51
hi because i had some blood tests done last june the doc says every thing is ok even though it was last year he wont do anymore

03-04-09, 12:02

Describe your dizzeness too me.

Have you any other symptoms?


03-04-09, 12:08
Hi hard to describe really sometimes it feels like when youve had a drink of alcohol and then you go out in the fresh air but then other times its like ive gone crosseyed for a few seconds, then other times its like im floating , im really scared and keep feeling really anxious and getting that adrenaline rush through my body every time it happens

03-04-09, 12:09
Hi there. Ask your doc if they checked yr ferritin levels ( iron stores), low ferritin levels can make you feel like this. The doc may not have tested them as yr full blood count may have been normal. I recently had mine tested and they were extremel low and I am on iron supplements now. This is an ongoing problem for me, I also have very heavy periods which is the cause of my low iron stores.

Take care xx

Marc EH
03-04-09, 12:15
My bloods were all clear but still feel dizzy everyday - does anyone else get this as I'm so scared?

03-04-09, 12:18
The trouble with this awful dizziness is, when we get it we worry and it just fuels the fire and then u get that awful adreline rush.

Drink plenty of water, eat at regular intervals and try not too think about it - i no it's easier said then done but it sounds like you are experiencing Anxiety and panic.

If it's low iron like mine was - do you get very tired?


03-04-09, 12:56
Yes i do get very tired and have no motivation but the doc says its just anxiety and depression

03-04-09, 14:01
Do you have neck ache as well??
I have damage to my neck ( herniated disc and arthritis) and this has given me varying types of dizziness and a feeling like I am walking on a bouncy castle or I suddenly feel as if I am leaning over to one side and walking off. now i am now saying you have a damaged neck:lac: just that anything from simple anxiety to my problems can cause the neck muscles to be tense and this in turn affects the balance receptors in your neck:wacko: bet you didn't know you had them. My neurosurgon explained it to me and the muscles and bones of your neck contain balance receptors that send messages to your inner ear so anything and I mean anthing that affects these receptors affects your balance. Plus anyone feeling dizzy gets a natural adrenalin rush but us health anxiety sufferers then panic about the adrenalin rush as well so it goes on and on.

Once I understood the anatomy I felt much less panicked about the cause of my dizziness.

03-04-09, 14:03
Hi everyone,

This is my WORST sympton. I have it everyday, 24 / 7. It feels like I am floating around and I feel I have to hold on to things when I am standing up talking to people. I haven't fainted or fallen over or anything but its just the way I feel. The doctor has done my bloods and everything came back normal. I have asked for a brain scan because I worry about brain tumours etc. but the doctor says that it won't help me because of my health anxiety problems. He also says its just anxiety. :yahoo:

03-04-09, 14:20
Hi spike how long have you had the dizziness for,and do you believe your doc when they say its anxiety?

03-04-09, 14:39
My dizziness / lightheadedness started in November 2008 and has got worse and worse. In a way I do believe the doctors (and I've seen three in my doctors practice) when they say its all anxiety related. I think that if it was something serious then something else would have happened.

BUT then when I am feeling really anxious I still think the doctors are missing something. I really want a brain scan but they won't send me for one and I have tried looking on the web to see if I can pay for one privately but to no avail.

How long have you been dizzy for??

03-04-09, 16:10

Thats a long time ago (June) since your last blood test.
Can't you go and see another GP at your practice, push the fact that you are extremley tired and dizzy and want a full blood count and your iron levels testing - they surely will do it, i have mine done about every two months. It may not be your iron but its worth checking.
Take care and let me now how u get on. xx

05-04-09, 13:30
My bloods were all clear but still feel dizzy everyday - does anyone else get this as I'm so scared?
Hi Marc your not alone i have been getting the same dizziness for what seems ages now gp not sure about it had bloods done alll ok thinks its anxiety related.
It does appear worse when my anxiety is at a hieghtened state but it is really scarry.
Dont give up and try cbt if you can just starting with it and trying to have positive outlook.