View Full Version : Bad Night

Marc EH
03-04-09, 12:13
Hi, I started my meds last night (just 10mg) and had a really bad nights sleep - is this normal at the start? I'm already so scared as I keep getting dizzy spells etc so I'm worried things are going to get worse now! Any help would be greatfully recieved! :)

03-04-09, 13:20

It is very common to have bad night sleep when you start taking Citalopram. You might be better off taking the meds in the morning for a better night sleep, although that might mean that you will notice more side-effects during the day.

Dizziness is also a common side effect, really don't worry about it, most side-effects are harmless and will go away within a few days. I think days 3-6 were most potent for me.


Marc EH
03-04-09, 15:18
Hi Dan,

Thanks very much for the advice - I try to keep calm and then I have a funny and get worried!! Will try to remember that it won't hurt me. :)

03-04-09, 16:59
Hi Marc, welcome to the wonderful world of citalopram ;)

If you weren't suffering sleeping problems before you started taking citalopram, I recommend you take your tablet in the morning starting tomorrow. Don't carry on taking them at night, it's not worth it if it's gonna interrupt your sleep. My sleeping patterns returned to near-normal after about 10 days on citalopram. That's a long time to go without much sleep.

Marc EH
03-04-09, 18:14
Thanks for the advice! I will take my next one in the morning and see how that goes. :)

03-04-09, 18:42
Hey marc I would definately take it in the morning. When I started them it took a few days to get a good nights sleep but it will pass and what you are feeling is perfectly normal. When you start them you are already anxious and they may make you more anxious for the first few days but they will start to work soon. Well done for taking the first step. You will be glad soon enough that you gave them a try. Just remember that you are not alone. We are all in the same boat here and I know it can be scary. I would just urge you that everytime you feel scared, dizzy, anxious, panicky and over tired to say to yourself that it will be worth it in the end and you will be stronger than ever. If you ever need any advice or have any questions feel free to message me. This forum has been a life saver for me. x

Marc EH
03-04-09, 18:56
Thanks, makes me feel better. Did you find that when the side effects pass the anxiety symptoms will also go?

03-04-09, 18:58
Absolutely yes! It just needs to level out. The side effects are horrible I know, but when they are gone and the anxiety too it is soooo worth it!

Marc EH
03-04-09, 19:06
Sounds lovely! Thanks for all the advice, it makes me feel a bit better :D

03-04-09, 21:05
Marc, I'm also changing to taking it in the morning instead of at night.

My citalopram-inspired anxiety has calmed down A LOT in the last week and I haven't suffered from those horrible night-time panic attacks for a while. That's partly cos I had so many attacks I can now spot them a mile off, so they don't bother me much when they do happen, but the side effects are definitely settling down.

You need to keep going because you will notice a difference when the side effects calm down. Think of the first two weeks of citalopram as an exercise in character building ;)

03-04-09, 22:38
An exercise in character building - thats a great way to describe it psychopoet!xx

Marc EH
05-04-09, 13:14
Yesterday was day 3 and although I had some side effects and felt anxiety at times it seemed a little better. Today, day 4, and I feel light headed and tired and not so good - I assume this is normal in the early days? :weep:

05-04-09, 13:35

I had loads of side effects for the first week. I am on day 10 now, mostly the side effects have subsided, just waiting for the positive effects to start to kick in.


Marc EH
05-04-09, 14:26
Hi Dan,

Thanks for that - I know it will kick in I'm just sick of feeling light headed and faint all the time!!

05-04-09, 14:35
hang on in there, you will get through it!

05-04-09, 17:32
You will get through it marc and soon you WILL be back to your old self in no time, keep the faith x