View Full Version : Stuck in the middle of a Rock and Hard Place!

03-04-09, 16:29

Sorry it feels like I am always posting on here lately but it does help alot to share these things with others.

I just wondered if anyone had any advice really, this time last year I had a very happy life. I was planning on trying for a baby with my husband of 2 years and we were busy making other plans like moving house etc.We were having trouble concieving so my Doc referred me to specialist, I always kept quite positive about it because I had time on my side being only 25 and was looking forward to seeing the specialist. Then In the May last year my Dad had an accident at work and died, I then did my best to look after my mum and brother. Then 4 months later My Father in Law died of a Heart Attack. About a month later the Panic attacks and anxiety set right in. Since then I been put on antidepressants, my doctor said I would have to cancel my referall to the fertility clinic as they wont be happy to see me if i am on tablets, I dont really feel strong enough to go through all of that at the moment so I am happy to put if off for a bit anyway. The thing is I am so worried that If I cant get control of this vile Anxiety state I am in, that I will never be able to come off the tablets and get the ball rolling with Baby stuff.

Sorry this is a bit long but its such a major problem to me I just feel like my life had ended and all my future plans have been destroyed. Any advice would be much appreciated. xxx:weep:

04-04-09, 19:21
Hi Strawberry,

First of all let me offer you my condolences. You have lost two very important people in your life with 4 months of each other. That can cause an immense amount of stress on someone. If you haven't tried counseling I would do it. Believe me it will help. Another thing, and I hate to sound like a cliche' that will help, is time. I know because I myself am getting over losing a loved one and I just passed the one year anniversary mark. Surround yourself with people that love you and be kind to yourself. In time, I think you will see the anxiety ease up. You are right that you are young and have plenty of time to start a family. So glad that you are here.

Take care,


04-04-09, 21:56
Thank you for your message Laura, I think you are right I do hope that time will heal me. I am seeing a CBT person at the moment so hopefully that will help me xx