View Full Version : daughters foot pain

03-04-09, 17:00
my 9 year old has had foot pain in both feet for a month and i am so anxious about it and worried has anyone experienced this with their children. she goes to hospital in two weeks but she is really in pain in balls and sometimes heel - worried mum

04-04-09, 10:55
I am sorry I haven;t had this with my daughter - she is only 2 and half. Didn't want to read and run.

I am sure all will be OK :hugs:

04-04-09, 11:08
hiya, my daughter says her legs hurt and she is only three, but i think its growing pains

could your daughters be linked to her tendons? does she walk flat on her feet?

it doesn't sound like anything to worry about, at her age so many things are changing and she will be getting highs and lows of hormones which relax and tense everything in her body so she will be aware of stuff more

good luck at hospital xxx

04-04-09, 12:05
my son is 3 now but for about a year and a half has been crying at night that his legs, knees, feet hurt. been to docs and hospital and its growing pains apparently. My local health visitor confirmed it too. I had heard of them but never knew it affected children like this. He sometimes complains his knees hurt when he is sickening for a cold too. try not to worry but its hard.
choco x

04-04-09, 12:15
I was in A&E on wen night with my daughter (9) as she has been complaining of a pain in her knee for about 6 weeks (thought growing pains), she now has swelling behind her knee.

The doctor said its totally normal for children to have these types of pains and that girls especially have probs with knees as they enter puberty....am still concerned about the swelling though and he recognised it was there, will take her back if not gone down in couple weeks.

I hope you get it resolved but I guess when their bones/bodies are growing they will get pains etc. i remember days when I couldn't get out of bed sometimes with growing pains.

Let us know how you get on hun x

04-04-09, 13:00
You have reminded me - my daughter woke up one night a few months ago screaming and pain and clutching her foot saying it hurts, but after about 15 minutes she was fine. My Sister in Law reckons it was growing pains as her little boy has them. He is 5.

Let us know how you get on

04-04-09, 14:52
Does your daughter dance or play sports etc?

04-04-09, 20:05
thank you for replying she has started playing netball and dance but not that much. i am extra worried as i have had foot pain for 6 months and im so worried for her - mine has gone on and on and it has made me so anxious so the thought of thought of her in pain is soul destroying. i had 2 hr mri on friday get results on tues - worried i may have passed something on to her. i have pulled ligaments in both feet and it is horrendous - this seems so very very cruel x