View Full Version : liver...

03-04-09, 20:46
my liver function results were boarderline normal,this has reallyworriedme,i also get pain in the area, do you thinkits anything serious?

03-04-09, 21:10
It depends what liver tests and what the doc said about them I guess?

Vanilla Sky
03-04-09, 21:35
What were they for ? If your doctor is not worried about it then you shouldnt either, they would soon let you know hon

03-04-09, 22:41
it was just general liver function she said it was normalbutboarderline and asked if i drink

03-04-09, 23:00
Ok so probably the Gamma GT was high then?

Have you read the liver Function website page on the left?

03-04-09, 23:07
I went really obsessional about my liver about a year ago because some of my liver enzymers were raised. This can be caused by:

alcohol, obesity or being overweight, crash-dieting, taking certain medication, having a viral infection or having had one recently (cold, flu etc)

If you have not got any other symptoms, I would not worry about it. Eat a healthy diet and do not drink too much.

If you take medication for your anxiety, it is quite likely that this is what caused the result and he said borderline, not raised anyway.

I would forget about it and take teh tests again within the next 3 months or so.

Liver pain is a vague symptom and most doctors believe the actual liver cannot hurt. It is probably just you getting a bit too worried about it. In any case, some people claim to experience liver pain after drinking or if they have mild fatty liver (due to obesity)

I can assure you that the chances of you being ill because of this result are so so so so so so low, that you should try to forget about it.

ANy further symptoms (in particular jaundice or going yellow, very dark urine or very pale stools) should be reported to your GP in the extremely unlikely event they happen


04-04-09, 00:09
Hi Liz, just to put a different spin on it, I would be more concerned if your liver function had been described as borderline abnormal. :)