View Full Version : A new day............another pain.

04-04-09, 15:54
I wnet to the doctor with painful indigestion and she prescribed omazepole which at first worked like a charm. Now I have a pain between my shoulder blades and burp a lot. Anyone else got this? She also has sent me for an endoscopy which I am not looking forward to. What is it like?

Finally, if most of my aches and pains are caused by anxiety why is my body doind this to me? Doesn't it like me or something? I mean this seriousley.

04-04-09, 16:43
I have acid reflux and when I have gas, I also feel it there. Sometimes it feels like a knife is going through my back. I am also on a PPI (Prevacid). Even while on one of these, if we overdo it with irritating foods, the reflux and gas can act up. Have you read all of the things we're supposed to do (elevate your headboard 6 inches with books or briks, don't eat after 7 p.m. and the food restrictions...no peppermint which relaxes the lower esophagus sphincter muscle, no chocolate, onions, tomatoes). Please look it up. I DOhave these foods in moderation.

The endoscopy...I have had 2 and was put in twilight sleep and had absolutely NO awareness of what was going on. Just like when I had a colonoscopy, knew nothing. Did you ask if you'll be asleep for this? It is not general anesthesia, more like an amnesiac drug (fentanyl and/or versed usually). You have the right to ask that question, so if it will ease your mind, ask them on Monday so you don't worry. Also, you will not remember anything the doc says when you wake up if he tells you results, so have him write it down or have someone with you. Let me know on this thread what happens and good luck! Great that you are having this done, good to find out what's going on, if it is a structural defect, hiatal hernia, loose muscle or just some esophageal irritation.

05-04-09, 11:06
Thankyou so much for your reply I found it very reassuring. Today's new symptom is a metallic/blood taste in my mouth. I have taken to checking my spittle every few minutes which is rather odd.