View Full Version : Fed up of this feeling!!!

04-04-09, 19:26
Hi Guys!!

I thought it was just me that was a freak unti I found this website! :blush:
I have never been an anxious or nervous person before all this!
It started with chest pains one day which I ignored until they got so bad I ended up in A+E they checked my heart and gave me the all clear suggesting that a muscle spasm must have caused the pain! I was that worked up in A+E and conviced I was dying, I had my first panic attack and it terrified me!!

Since then i started having them every day convincing myself that every tiny pain was something serious and i was definitely dying!! Well im still here and that was in January! :D

My symptoms seem to go round in stages... one week its chest pain the next its really scary headaches which moves on to dizzyness and derealisation (just finished it lol im on the chest pains now)

Im on beta blockers (inderal) which really seem to be working for me and i recommend batches rescue remedy- i dont think it actually works but if you convince yourself it will then it does! After all we all convince ourselves we are dying everyday!!

Anyway stick in there guys we are all getting there (slowly lol)

Love me x x x x

04-04-09, 20:02
Hey candyfloss,

I know just what you mean, it is reassuring to know that you aren't alone isn't it? I thought I was crazy until I found this website!!

Anyway I'm glad to hear you are getting yourself sorted out, well done for getting a handle on your anxiety so quickly!

Take care, speak soon,

Danny xxx