View Full Version : Tired Eyes playing tricks'?

04-04-09, 20:10
I was driving back from clubbing last night and i felt my vision go very strange. I was very tired and i felt like the whole right side of my peripheral vision was a blind spot.

I couldn't see like islands in he road and traffic light sunless i directly focused on them. Tell you what this got me well worked up and paranoid.

Just want to know WTF??? lol

04-04-09, 20:12
i get that in my right eye too, it;s like a little blind spot, and its had me soooooooo scared, a brain tumour, pressing on my eye, allsosrts, but two opticians and a doctor later, i have nothing wrong with my eyes and it is stress related

maybe yours was due to being so tired?

hope rue ok

Rhian xx

04-04-09, 20:20
yer im pretty sure it is that coz I have just got over having an anxiety disorder and been fine since last night then suddenly vision went strange again and caused my eye last night when sleeping to really ache. dam I was doing so well back 2 square 1.
I dont have it now though

04-04-09, 21:35
I get that often and sometimes it freaks me out

It is just an optical effect normally and anxiety makes you more aware of it. So dies tiredness.

It certainly sint a brain tumour!

05-04-09, 13:07
Yer well i only had a head ct so i know it none of that, but yer defintly gets me a bit freaked out cheers any way :D

06-04-09, 01:06
I was releaved to here your post and I am sorry for that but I too had this two weeks ago out of nowhere. It did however happen 2 years prior. I did go to the eye doc and then to my family doc. I was told it was a retinol migrane and when you look it up it is how we describe what happened. I would look at words and the first letter I would not be able to see or see the top or the bottom. I also panic HUGE but 20 minutes or so it left. But the scares of the effect are still on my mind we should talk more. I can tell you it has made me a freak for the last few weeks. It still plays on my mind. Now to figure out the racing heart...