View Full Version : Medical Shows????

04-04-09, 22:37
This might seem dumb but I have a weird question.....Do any of you ever find yourself watching shows like 'House' or 'Medical Examiner', knowing good and well that it's going to make you freak out later but you just can't stop??????? :scared15:

04-04-09, 23:03
Yeah I do. I try not to but somtimes i just do it anyway :s
Its annoying to try not to watch medical things though because theres so many programs with medical stuff in them, and films actualy. I went to see the will smith film "seven pounds" the other month, dont know if anyones seen it but that really freaked me out.

04-04-09, 23:13
I'll try not to watch it, lol

05-04-09, 03:45
lol yep! I am addicted to grey's anatomy. Why I do this to myself I do not know.

05-04-09, 13:11
As an ex-nurse I used to watch them, but had to stop as it was like Googling!! Just a mention of Heart attack, Stroke etc set me off thinking I would have one soon!! Long time ago now but I never watch anything remotely medical now. XXXX

05-04-09, 14:33
Nope - not after watching Street Doctor and convincing myself I had about 3 different fatal illnesses. That was after one episode:scared15:

05-04-09, 20:44
im terrible I watch them all and then i try and diagnose whats wrong before the docs do - nuts

05-04-09, 22:29
Yes, unfortunately.

05-04-09, 23:35
I really really hate the embarrassing illnesses one. I convince myself I have at least one of the conditions every time I watch it but unfortunately my mum already thinks I am a hypochondriac of epic proportions and it is her who gets to choose what we watch on TV, so I daren't tell her it is freaking me out, I just sit through it in silent panic then let it ruin my life for the next week! Fun fun fun! :S

Dontcha just LOVE health anxiety?! Maybe not!

I have found the antidote though... Just come on here and see how many other people do that exact same thing and suddenly everything seems a lot more trivial and you realise it is all just your health anxiety. Phew!!

I have a phrase for programmes like that. I call them 'car crash' programmes because when they come on you can't help watching them, even though actually, you know you will regret it afterwards!

Stay away guys! Get yourselves a jigsaw and don't watch any more health programmes!!!!

Danny xxx

06-04-09, 15:09
NO i avoid them at all costs. first - i hate those shows. i like watching tv in some ways for its aesthetic value, shows with great fashion, great backdrops, etc. are fun and add to the interest of the show for me. seeing people schlomp around in scrubs all day in a fluorescent lit white hospital set makes me itchy, also i hate going to the doctors office so why would i watch it on tv? i have this theory that when ER became popular way too many producers thought to replicate the formula and my thought is - WHY!!!!!!!!!! why do i want to see two residents or a nurse and a doctor make eyes at each other over an ebola virus victim? why? i don't! i hate these shows. i hate that all of my friends watch them. ok i am going to end my tangent now.

Little Miss Anxious
06-04-09, 15:36
Sorry, going a little bit off topic here but I can relate to what your all saying. I'm not so bad on the medical shows but I am an anxious flyer yet am morbidly drawn to anything regarding aircraft, I try not to watch but cant help myself. After watching numerous Aircrash Investigation programmes on Nat Geo though I do feel I could go into a cockpit & take control of any situation, lol.

It must be the same strange kind of compulsion ??