View Full Version : Not sure if I am doing right thing...

04-04-09, 23:09
Hi :)
After past few days of feeling terrible one day and better the next and then back to terrible again on citalopram, I have not taken my tablets today.
I have felt really good. I know I should take them before withdrawal effects kick in but I am getting fed up being moody and tearful on them. My personality is not like that even when very anxious. I tend to become very quiet when anxious - not moody. Maybe I just need to persevere. I just dont want to be taking the tablets, free of anxiety, but feeling moody and tearful instead! I hate my head! lol I never know from one day to the next how I am going to feel :shrug:
I know that by withdrawing that soon I will be experiencing anxiety again. I have been taking them for a month now so I would have thought I would have been experiencing the good effects but although the anxiety has gone, its now been replaced with moodiness and tears! Not sure which is the worst! :unsure:

04-04-09, 23:33

Well, after being on those for six months, I just decided to stop taking them, I didnt want to be on them forever, its just down to personal choice.

05-04-09, 01:45
Hi Poppy im new on here and this is my first reply just reading through some of the threads and saw yours.
I was on citalopram for about 3 years for naxiety and panic attacks i will say if your determined to come off them like i was go for it, i come off them cold turkey (stopped taking one day) it worked for me but may not work for everyone did suffer not very nice withdrawl am now taking proprananol 20-40mg just to calm the anxiety when i need it just need to got shot of this affliction once and for all. There is lots of help and understanding out there much more than there use to be, would like to see some of this be available free of charge dont see why we should pay for something like this
wish you well in your quest goodluck. Ian

05-04-09, 09:39
this is how i feel .... When i wake i feel a bit anxious but only in my head no racing heart or anything then about an hour after taking my meds i feel weird and spacey this sometimes lasts till 3ish but yesterday i went for a 2 hour walk and when i came back my heart was racing and i felt weird and spacey all day not exactly anxiety since reducing down my meds to 25mg i have not had the stupid thoughts just spacey....I am thinking do i need to reduce more to get rid of the spaciness and that maybe i don't need the meds anymore as i dont wake with anxiety i feel as though the meds cause the problems i suppose my question is "HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE DON'T NEED THE MEDS ANYMORE"? any answers please anyone.... take care lucy x

05-04-09, 14:56
Hi all !
Thanks for your replies! :)
Pep65 - Does the proprananol help you? better than citalopram?
LucyLocket - I can relate to the weird and spacey feelings! :scared15:
I have decided to stick with the citalopram until end of this month - I am keeping a daily diary of side effects and how I feel and if by end of month I am not feeling any better I am coming off them and will try something like proprananol .
My anxiety has gone which is great - I know when I am off all meds it will come back though - but although its gone, what it is being replaced by is moodiness, tears, spaceyness, feeling sicky, and like I have permanant PMT!!! I am so snappy. I was never like this before the meds - ok I had anxiety but I didnt have these symptoms. At first the citalopram worked well and I was so happy - like I was on a big high - and then suddenly that stopped and now I am completely the opposite. I could increase my dose but what if I am the same then - Surely if I am getting such bad effects on a low dose, wont they increase as the dose gets higher?
Maybe I need meds to get rid of the side effects caused by the meds that I took in the first place to get rid of anxiety! :wacko:

05-04-09, 15:09
poppy i have tried higher doses and just got worst side effects, most people on these meds seems to feel better for a short while then just go down hill again i was thinking is this because they don't need the meds anymore so they are causing us to have anxiety by taking the meds, I cut down to 20mg today so will see how it goes...... take care lucy x

05-04-09, 15:20
Hi again Lucy! :)
I agree with you. I have read lots on the net in past few days and it seems to be a problem with citalopram where people get to a point where they feel great and then exactly the opposite kicks in. There are so many posts on the net about it. :ohmy:
I worry that like you said, the higher the dose, the higher the horrid side effects. Whats the point? My anxiety has gone but in its place is equally horrible side effects. I am asking myself now which is the worst! :wacko:
How long have you been taking them for? What was the highest dose you took?
Maybe they are not for me...I will give them a bit longer and then see what happens. I am disapointed as this was the first time I have ever tried medication and I thought the positive would outweigh the negative but so far its not happening. :unsure:
Hopefully you will feel better soon too! x

05-04-09, 17:31
I have to disagree. Last year I was on citalopram 20mg and moved up to 30mg and was on it for 6 months feeling great and withdrew off it with no problems whatsoever. It was only because of anxiety episode with alcohol that I started back on them 3 months later. There are so many horror stories on the net and if you were to read them all nothing would work for you. The tablets work but you need patience and to give them a chance. I had no side effects with my dose increase, the only side effect was that i found out it was the right dose for me and I got better.

05-04-09, 17:36
Hi again Poppy for me the proprananol works and am considering taking regually instead of when i feel an attack coming on the difference for me is that citalpram is anti-depresant which for me had side affects when coming off them wish i hadnt bothered i have anxiety and panics not deression and the proprananol deals with the symptoms of panic more but im no Doctor and dont want to influance you in anyway. wish you luck Regards Ian

05-04-09, 19:35
Hi Poppy,

Citalopram does seem to allow as many bad days as good days, but you've got to remember the citalopram is a way of treating the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

If there are actual causes for your problems, citalopram cannot do anything to get rid of those causes. All it can do is try to make you feel better so that you can get yourself together and face up to your troubles one at a time.

Medication alone cannot fix a person who is suffering from anxiety. Maybe in 10 or 20 years they will be able to cure depression, panic, anxiety and stress with a simple course of tablets or magnetic fields aimed into the brain. Until that day, the only way to cure yourself of anxiety is to take the fight directly to the things that you are afraid of.

You must find out what triggers your anxiety. You can then either avoid these triggers, or begin to expose yourself to them gradually so your mind acclimatises over a period of time. I recommend you take the difficult option and get involved with the things that scare you. You will learn that most of them aren't actually so scary. It can be a long and difficult process but I think it will work for you.

05-04-09, 20:01
Thanks for all replies. :)
Poet - I dont know what causes my anxiety - I was told its free floating anxiety where there is no real cause.
My agoraphobia I try and tackle but on the worst days it is almost impossible to overcome as anyone will agoraphobia will tell you. I am fine if someone is out with me though.
I never used to get depressed. It was always anxiety, panic and some social anxiety plus the agoraphobia.
I have CBT too.
I am staying on citalopram for another month and seeing what happens.
I am free of the anxiety - thats great - but I am now moody and emotional and I was never like that before I took the citalopram. Hopefully these feelings will pass but I couldnt cope with feeling like this every day.
Anyway I wont be moaning no more and will just see what happens.
Hope you all have had a good as possible weekend! :)