View Full Version : Chest discomfort

09-08-05, 20:10
Hi all,

After having a fairly stressful week at work last week and lots of anxious feelings and shalow breathing my chest has been very sore over the last 3-4 days.

I have been taking ibrufen over this time but that worries me after the newspaper articles advising people its not good for hearts... Anyway I have been trying very hard just to accept its muscle tension and not to ask for any reassurance but I think just some reassurance would be good.

The discomfort is mostly down both sides of my breast and round the breast bone and in the centre of my chest too... the pain down the left side is radiating around my back and shoulder.

I have experienced similar pain before and I was diagnosed with costochondritais - inflamation of chest wall. I am assuming that if it was heart problems then soemthing would have transpired by now?



10-08-05, 02:40
Sadie, Hi im up just now with the same problem mines started today at a freinds funeral. I cant sleep my chest hurts but im getting arm discomfort aswell, I dont think you should take ibrufen unless it eases your chest . My gp gave me diazepam he says it panic attacks im having. Sorry im not much more help. Hope you feel better today. bye fran

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

10-08-05, 19:50
Hi Sadie

I get a similar pain as well. It started with a sprain in my back in January but goes round to the front of my chest sometimes. The doctor said it will gradually ease if I could relax and I know its true. I have been feeling fine for days, but today I feel very anxious which makes my chest a bit sore. He said it is muscular and when I press it, the pain comes on. Painkillers do ease it but I dont like taking ibuprofen.

Like you I often need reassurance that its not my heart. I have health anxiety so its not that easy to reassure me. x

10-08-05, 21:14
Thanks for the replies....

My chest has eased up a little since yesterday so hopefully it will just get better and better...

Mandie I have health and anxiety too and I know just how difficult it is dealing with the constant worrying health thoughts.


10-08-05, 23:38
sadie-are you sure the ibruprofen isnt making your chest pains worse? A lot of people(including myself)cant take it because it can cause terrible indigestion pains. It can actually make your stomach bleed. It doesnt sound like a heart problem to me! Hope you are feeling a bit better now.