View Full Version : are these the signs of something really bad i seem to think so

miss motown
05-04-09, 00:50
has anybody else had all these symptoms,here goes,pains across top of your back sometimes can go really hot ur cold pain movin under armpits and to the sides then under ribs top of stomach lower back constant dry mouth horse voice hot sweats vey flemmy had antibiotics no good so had xrays got to wait for results doc said she will send me for a scan ive been gettin this since 2006 i was admitted to a&e heartattack but they said it was stress i wasnt happy so went to bupa they told me the same the only thing was my colestral was a little high so she told me to watch my weight also to pack in smokin that was in dec2007 i think they might of missed something and it is my lungs im worried sick has anybody else had simular symptoms i carnt seem to concentrate on anything apart from all these horrid symptoms :weep:

05-04-09, 04:22
I get alot of pains like that in my upper shoulders and neck and sometimes it's under my left armpit and even my upper left arm. I've been tested, x-rayed and nothing is wrong with me. Mine does seem to come more when I have more stress than usual......

05-04-09, 13:25
Hi, have you had a thyroid function test? or do you have a low thyroid. Its just that i got some of these symptoms a couple of years ago such as the aches/pains, dry mouth, hoarse voice etc, then i went to the doctors because i stopped eating and couldnt lose weight....i had a TFT blood test and found low thyroid levels. Also a high cholesterol can be linked to low thyroid, so if you havent had the tests it might be worth a shot.

05-04-09, 15:09
Hi ! :)
I get a lot of muscular aches and pains in top of back, shoulders and neck caused by anxiety, with being so tensed up all the time. If I was going through a really rough time then sometimes I would feel absolutely worn out with the physical symptoms. Some days I felt I could barely move for how sore and tired my limbs felt.
I noticed that I burn up a lot and sometimes I will go freezing cold for no apparent reason. I have read a lot about this and it can be related to anxiety and the physical effect it has on the body.
When I get stressed it has a very definite effect on my voice and I always get a dry sore mouth.
Not sure about the phlegmy thing? Maybe it could be due to your lungs clearing out now that you have given up smoking? Were you a heavy long time smoker?
Maybe what you have is nothing to do with anxiety related aches and pains though, so I would get back to your gp if you are still not satisfied, and see if he will run further tests to exclude all other causes.
I hope you feel much better soon!

05-04-09, 19:44
Hi, when I suffer from migraines and tension headaches -- or if I even come *near* to having them -- I get tension and pains along my shoulders, the base of my neck and the bottom of my skull. The pain sometimes "swills" around those parts of my body and it can feel like prickling with changes of temperature. I have had these symptoms on and off for as long as I can remember. They are bothersome, but not dangerous.

It sounds very much like you're suffering from muscular tension. Relaxation and massages will help. It does not sound like you need to be worried at all. I've had the same symptoms for most of my life.