View Full Version : Chest pain!!!

05-04-09, 02:32
I have chest pain right across where my bra goes. I feel stressful 2nite because neighbours are playing up again, but I get these pains, well its like a tightness right across but especially in the middle. I keep pulling my bra away from my chest, like its too tight or something, but it isn't.

I know I've got myself into a state tonight for one reason or another but I keep thinking that at my age I could be having a heart attack! I know that I've thought that about a million times but as I get older, I'm sure its gonna happen.

Does anyone else get these pains/tightness but worse in the middle? Sometimes it goes through to my back.

OMG, why o why o why.


05-04-09, 04:14
Totally get it infact tonight having it, I also get sharp stabbing pain now and again just inbetween the breast area anyone else get that. But I've taken my bra off sometimes thinking its digging in me, feels like a band around the frount of you.

05-04-09, 04:29
Thanks for replying nicola, yer I get the stabbing pain too, but usually this horrible tight feeling. Sorry that you get these too, but glad I am not alone:scared15:

I feel better now that these t**ts upstairs have quitened down, no sound coming from there at all, makes me feel like I wanna blast my music out now to wake them up:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: But I wouldn't because it would cause me more stress:noangel:

I have to learn to breathe through these situations, so so difficult though.

Anxiety always goes to my chest & heart. I think its called cardiac & respitory neurosis:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Thanks again nicola, I see ure still up too. Hope you get some sleep soon,
Take care.

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05-04-09, 04:45
I've been great all day, had about 3 shandys, now my chest pain has started again feel like my chest has expanded and so tight like it going to burst or kill me.scary in it, I gave it to much attention that's why I still got it. And I'm afraid to take my sleeping tablets cause I had a drink, should be ok cause only shandy but I worry to much

05-04-09, 05:15
Yer Nicola, we all worry too much thats why we're like this.

Personally I think alchohol makes anxiety worse, but some say that i calms them down. It used to give me panic attacks, in fact thats around the time my pa's first started when I started drinking. So haven't had any for about 28 years!!

If you can sleep without taking a sleeping pill then it would be better tonight I think, cause you'd prolly not sleep anyways for worrying. When you feel your eyes getting heavy & you can't keep them open anymore, quickly get into bed & drift off into a lovely sleep:) :)

I know that tightness is tension or sometimes indigestion but its still so worrying.

Hope you get some sleep soon. Take care Nicola.

05-04-09, 07:24
it the pain under your breast? kinda where your rib is?
I get that all the time and just tell myself it's caused by wearing a bra.
hope your feeling better

05-04-09, 08:48
I too suffer from this pain, and like you I put it downto my bra....But now i actually think its my anxiety and when im feeling very panicky....It always feels like some one is pushing down really hard on my breast bone, with a tightness that goes around my ribcage right into my upper back. Even though I know Im highly unlikely to have a heart attack I still worry thats what it is :ohmy:

I take Beta Blockers and initally they helped reduce the pain but I now wonder if I have started to become acustomed to them as the pain has started to reappear:mad:

This illness is horrible!!
Take Care

05-04-09, 11:10
I get this pain sometimes. I also have taken my bra off to relieve it. I also get a feeling of something pushing up under my ribs like in the last stages of pregnancy, which for so many reasons is not the case. Of course I think it is a massive tumour. Why does my body do this to me?

05-04-09, 20:23
Thanks guys for your replies.

Mishel - Yer just under the breast (not that I have much, lol) right where the bra sits.

Lotte - This disorder is certainly anus horriblus!! Think I just made that up or maybe I've heard it somehwere:unsure: :unsure: I always think it's a heart attack especially now as am getting older:scared15: :scared15:

Grace - Don't ya just wanna fly away somewhere to get away from these horrible sensastions/pains to be free for a while from worry.

Why the hell do we worry so much? I was told not that long ago that I have too much time to think. Well maybe now I do, but not when I first got anxiety/nerves:lac: :lac:

I want to NOT care about anything anymore!!! I want to say "To hell with it", but tis soooooooooooo hard to do that:wacko: :wacko:


06-04-09, 00:41
Hey I know, worry is my middle name. But we get there. Always go worse in the night when you tirted from keeping yourself busy.

09-04-09, 23:10
chest pains are my main annoyance even though iv had a ecg i still hate them they make me freak out cos teamed with the racing heart oit is scary , but i was told in june last yr i have costochondritis which is inflammed cartilage in breastbones and ribs and is very common in adults who heavy lift or lift repeptve strain on the sterunm etc, and it tends to hurt frm collar bone down my chest diagnole and stabbs pricks and feels tight across my chest all across my breastbones and even underneath my boobs jus like u others are sayoing its horrible are these painful areas tender to touch ? as mine are and its very annyoing and its one of those pains that actually can mimic a heart attack pain as it even effects the bk shoulders and arms of effected cartilage and ribs,theres plenty of info on costochondritis and ive had it since june with a lil break in between but its cum bk its one of those things the more tension u ave and the fatsre ur ribs move it sets the pain of lol sods law another words,but we can beat it were here for eachother and will beat anx as we go along ,anybody need want a chat jus pm me , best wishes cxxx

09-04-09, 23:13
A good way of reassuring yorself that this pain is muscular is to press where it hurts or tense yoru chest mucles. YOu will note the pain gets worse.

Cardiac pain is different, moving around, changing position does not change it.

I get chest pains opften. I had all sorts of tests and i have nothing wrong with my heart.

IT is VERY common for people with anxiety disorder to get them.

10-04-09, 14:51
hey i have the tight feeling wherre you can breathe almost like a rubber band around your chest, went to doctors and then panicked she said that is my heart pounding so much that it makes your chest hurt and if you calm down then it will pass..... i also take sleeping pills and drink on them so dont worry about that, i went out last night was bricking it a few drinks and i was ok and then came back took my pill... not good but im always ok xx