View Full Version : worried!!

09-08-05, 21:43
Im worried i might have a blood clot in the lungs a pulmonary embolism!
Today i have a werid numb feeling in my feet like i have something wrong with circulation or something!
I have been getting weird chest pains and i feel out of breath all the time my partner says i dont seem out of breath but i really feel it.

I know you can get small and big blood clots obviously you have a good chance of surviving a small one but a large one can kill you very fast without urgent attention if i went to the doctor or something they would just say its asthma!

I know a family member who was breathless for 2 days then collapsed and died as he had a lung blood clot which went to his heart and killed him no-one thought he had a blood clot!

I know symptoms of a blood clot are being very breathless, chest pains feeling uncomfortbale nervous and anxious etc.

Im not at high risk of having one but its still possible and i am very worries with all the symptoms i am getting! if i hd a lung blood clot would i be dead by now as ive had the symptoms since this morning.

Does anyone know alot about blood clots?

I take gingko biloba which is supposed to be good for circulation and omega 3 fish oil which i hear also works as a blood thinner and people on heparin and warfarin etc cannot take omega 3 because of that reason!

Need some advice please!!

09-08-05, 21:54

You have had these breathing problems for months now so I don't think it is anything serious.

The doctor has checked you over and you are fine.

This is all Health anxiety I am afraid to say. Please read Meg's new page on the website at www.nomorepanic.co.uk/healthanxiety and I am sure it will reassure you some more. I want to know that you have read it so I will be testing you on it ok lol!

All those symptoms you have are classic panic/anxiety symptoms and they do go when you learn to accept them ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-08-05, 21:58
The breathing seems different and i have been getting chest pains on and off today and my feet are hurting and numb thats why im more worried than usual

09-08-05, 22:02
The chest pains are just the intercostal muscles contracting cos they are stressed like other muscles get.

Stretching relieves that trust me.

As for the feet - give them a good stretch and curl and stretch all the toes. Do some exercise with them and perhaps a lovely foot bath/spa.

Also slow down your breathing cos that can cause tingles and aches all over the body.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-08-05, 23:15
I agree with nicola if you've been checked over there shouldnt be anything to worry about. Try some breathing excersies aswell as stretching

10-08-05, 19:58
Hi Andrew

So sorry to hear how you are feeling, I know how hard it can be to except that anxiaty can cause all these horrible symptoms:(
I have been panic and high anxiaty free since finding this site at the end of August last year [^] I do not reply much to post because I suffer with lack of cofidence. feeling a little bit on edge replying :(
Last week on holiday I wanted to face one of my fears, the fear of hights. So I went in a hot air baloon [:O] the sure sign of anxiaty began
the chest pain, the shortness of breath, then something happend which scared me a little more, my feet felt funny, they began to hurt and feel numb[:O] I have been tought well by this site and all the special people on here.[^] checked my thought pattern and it was all negative.
What is this feeling in my feet I have never had this befor, its going to travel up my legs and I'll fall over.
What if the baloon pops and we fall to the ground we are soooo high up.
I quickly changed my thoughts to positive one's.
The feeling in my feet has happend befor, in the past it was only in one foot but IT HAS happend befor, it IS a symptom of anxiaty.
The baloon WILL NOT fall, it goes up at leat 50 time's a day. I AM SAFE.
I also know that if I fear these symptoms and think negative thoughs I will feed Mr Anxiaty and the symptoms will go on and on and it may cause me to panic.
I must admit the symptoms did not go till I got to the ground but it was another step forward for me knowing just what negative thinking can do to your body. The next day I went up the Eifel tower, again the symptoms began because I was in a glass lift, symptoms not as bad this
time [^]
I know how hard it is Andrew to except that the symptoms are anixty,
but what I do know is that once you except you CAN move on.
It IS possible with alot of hard work support and time you CAN learn how to help yourself feel better.