View Full Version : Feeling rough

05-04-09, 13:30
Hi All,

Feeling really panicky today, haven't had an attack for two months so you can imagine how down I am feeling right now, (which isn't really helping the anxiety levels).

Not really sure why I am feeling like this just started feeling faint and sick, (probably because I haven't eaten yet today), and the I just started thinking oh god I am going to faint and vomit and die and be found covered in sick in an embarrassing position.

I hate it when I start getting these irrational thoughts, because of course I know that I am not going to die and if I faint so what you have before and you will again at some point in your life. I just cannot stop these stupid thoughts when I am in this state of mind....

At least I will have something to discuss with counsellor this week..

I know that was a bit of a rant, but I needed to vent....


05-04-09, 17:50
you are doing good! you went two months!
it's not about how long you go without a panic it's about how you deal with it.
every panic attack gives you the opportunity to learn how to handle the next one better or in a less fearful way.
you may not be able to stop your irrational thoughts but can stop giving them so much meaning and power.
tell your negative thoughts , thank you for sharing, then try to let them pass.
thoughts are just thoughts .
you have been doing so well! having a panic attack is not failing! don't beat yourself up so much!
try and think how you can be more supportive to yourself.
it helps to imagine yourself as a friend, how would you support your friend? what advice would you tell your friend?
hope your feeling better x

08-04-09, 00:15
Hi, hope you're feeling better now :)

It's all right to have a bad day now and then :D