View Full Version : In a real state - please help !!

05-04-09, 13:35
I have been suffering with HA since my baby was born is December '08. I have had lower back pain since the birth and it feels like something is 'pinching' in my lower back when i straighten from a sitting position and vice versa, its very uncomfortable. The last few days i have noticed when i am lying down for periods of time the top of my right leg goes numb. Yesterday i was helping a friend put some furniture together and spent most of the day knelt down. During the night and today my right leg is aching, like a dull ache. I have been thinking about it all day and have wound myself up so much i keep having panic attacks. I am on venlafaxine and am so disappointed as i thought these tabs would stop me suffering from anxiety or panic. My face is tingling and i am hot and can not think properly. Is there something really wrong with me or is it something as simple as a trapped nerve.
Any advice would be great help as i am at my wits end, also do you think i should get my meds upped/changed. Have been on venlafxine 75mg for 4 3 weeks.

05-04-09, 13:51
Sounds like a trapped nerve or something.

05-04-09, 21:13
I agree with trixie iit sounds like youve trapped a nerve in your back.
Maybe you should see your gp and get him to examine you as he might be avble to suggest some sort of painkillers or therapy to ease the pain for you. My hubby sees a chirporactor for a trapped nerve in his back...does help him.
Hope your feeling better soon.
Take care